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浮生/ / 高重黎


彼岸浮生/tongzhi in love / 杨紫烨

老夫子云:“不孝有三,无后为大。”中国传统文化的压力要求男人们传宗接代——不过这一要求在计划生育政策之下得到了微妙的中和,舒缓了“同志”们的压力;很多“同志”诉诸于结假婚。《彼岸浮生》讲述的是从外地来到北京的三个男同性恋者的故事和他们的现实生活、情感和想法。 “青蛙”小崔和他的男朋友,在城市生活的诱惑和传统的严峻压力下分手了;在北京这个花花世界,他们尽情享用着这个都市所敞开的自由。 然而当“青蛙”的母亲亲自寻来,催促他找女朋友的时候,28岁的“青蛙”明白自己已经拖不下去了。“我有些同性恋朋友都是找的...

浮生/Bliss / 盛志民

这是生活在江边的一个家庭里的故事。 老李是个退休警察,早年妻子随人远去北方,多年杳无音信,最终决定建立一个新家庭安度晚年,当年离去的前妻却以意外的方式回到他身边…… 建军是老李唯一的儿子,多年前早已下岗,靠开出租车为生,从小他就是一个不愿意多说话的孩子,母亲的离去令他心头仿佛永远压着一块大石头,妈妈终于回来了,他心头的石头能否放下呢? 秀娥带着自己的孩子赵雷嫁给老李,除了看上老李人好,更重要的一点是老李曾经是个警察,她希望老李能管住整天惹事的儿子…… 小红是建军的妻子,她长得不好看而且又肥胖,她...

Buena Vista Social Club/Havana Rhapsod乐满夏拿湾 / Wim Wenders

I just got to see this on video last night. It's a lovely film, and the protagonists are memorable. My one problem, however, is with Ry Cooder. Don't misunderstand my admiration for Cooder's past work. He's an original, often evocative guitarist and composer. I just felt that his additions to these recordings -- both in the studio and in their concert versions -- were intrusive at the least. That wailing slide guitar just about ruined some great songs. I'm surprised the gentlemen and ladies of t...

Photos from Buena Vista Social Club/乐满哈瓦那 / Wim Wenders

I just got to see this on video last night. It's a lovely film, and the protagonists are memorable. My one problem, however, is with Ry Cooder. Don't misunderstand my admiration for Cooder's past work. He's an original, often evocative guitarist and composer. I just felt that his additions to these recordings -- both in the studio and in their concert versions -- were intrusive at the least. That wailing slide guitar just about ruined some great songs. I'm surprised the gentlemen and ladies of t...

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