在影片中搜索: 最后的舞者
Mao's Last Dancer/毛的最后舞者 / Bruce Beresford
根据李存信自传回忆录改编。李存信出自农民之家,家境贫穷到不能果腹,文化革命被误选为舞蹈演员,后由于受到威胁,决定出国,从此面对未知的未来。dapted from his internationally best-selling memoir, the film tells the true story of Li Cunxin, a Chinese-trained ballet dancer. Plucked from his childhood village, subjected to years of vigorous training and threatened during the Cultural Revolution, Cunxin decides to leave China at great risk to himself and those he loves, for an uncertain future. 李存信...« 上一页 1 下一页 »