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在影片中搜索: 带不走的一切

All That You Can’t Leave Behind/ / 何俊雄

何俊雄是一个普通的缅甸人,他背井离乡寻求更好的生活。11年后他结束了在新加坡的工作和生活。没想到,他和其他一些缅甸认识到,他们的未来不可逆转地改变了,他们决定并肩作战为和平抗议进行活动,反对缅甸军政府。 John Moe is an ordinary Burmese national who left his home country in search of a better life. He ended up living and working in Singapore for over eleven years. Little did he and a few other Burmese realize that their future became irrevocably altered when they decided to stand shoulder-to-should...

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