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在影片中搜索: 全家福

全家福/A Family Portrait / 巫俊峰

故事梗概: 塞尔吉奥是一名17岁摄影爱好者,处于青春期的他一次被一张百科全书中的黑白版女性生殖器插图唤醒。一天,当他妹妹向他询问两性问题时,记忆将他带到几年以前,他所发现的这个家庭中成员之间与性有关的一个秘密中去。 Synopsis: Sergio is a seventeen year-old photographer who is aroused by black-and white encyclopedia diagrams of the female genitalia. When his little sister asks him about sex one day, he revisits a memory years ago, in which he discovers a sexual secret amongst his family members.

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