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在影片中搜索: 丑


Clowns, I/The Clowns / Federico Fellini

This little film tends to stand quietly in the shadows of the great director's other works. It cannot compare to 8 1/2, or La Dolce Vita, but it carries a remarkable quality to it that isn't quite like his other films. Fellini's circus theme is used here to a remarkable effect. There is a sadness that creeps in and around the film, like a cat watching a canary. It is unlike his other works, not as daring or bold, but worth some consideration

Чучело/The Scarecrow / Rolan Bykov


Brief Interviews with Hideous Men/同丑陋人物的简短访谈 / John Krasinski

本片女主人公是一个人类学研究者,为了摆脱被男友无理由抛弃的痛苦,她访问了很多男人,试图探究男人们内心的想法,并试图在此研究项目中也同时找到其男友抛弃她的真是原因,而随着大量的访问及访问的深入,关于人的内心,她发现了更多。。。。。。 After her boyfriend mysteriously leaves her with little explanation, a doctoral candidate in anthropology at a prestigious East Coast university Sara Quinn is left looking for answers as to what went wrong. Directing all her energies into her anthropological dissertat...

Gycklarnas afton/ / Ingmar Bergman

Sawdust and Tinsel- or The Swedish Master, or The Naked Night, take your pick on a title- is about a man who can't stand himself in his profession, but loves it so much at the same time: the low-brow sensibility of it, the wildness, the freedom to cut it loose with drink or with mad gimmicks during a show, and abandon of the rules when confronted with the law. But he also has a love whom he has his problems with, and her with him as well, leading to an infidelity drama that plays out harshly. In...

Notes on a Scandal/丑闻纪事 / Richard Eyre

希芭·哈特(凯特·布兰切特)是学校里新来的美术老师,她年轻美丽,气质高雅。老教师芭芭拉(朱迪·丹奇)悄悄的关注起希芭,并渐渐和希芭结成好友。希芭把芭芭拉当成密友,向她倾诉年迈丈夫的无趣,女儿的叛逆和儿子的低能。两个女人结为看起来温馨又和谐的忘年之交。   无意中芭芭拉发现希芭与学生的不论之恋,她逼迫希芭承认了奸情,并答应保守秘密。可是两个人的友谊却由此变质。保密人芭芭拉对希芭的占有欲越来越强,希芭在秘密被泄露的威胁下一次次屈服。然而秘密总有被泄露的一天,保密人事无巨细的日记转瞬成了记满丑闻的笔记。

Larmar och gör sig till/面对小丑 / Ingmar Bergman

After his brilliant portrayal of the black sheep Ekhdal in Fanny and Alexander I expected something else from Börje Ahlstedt but didn't know where to find him. I stumbled accidentally on this film that I didn't even know was a Bergman at first. I was completely surprised not only in the acting of not only Ahlstedt but Erland Josephson and Marie Richardson as well, but by Bergman's capacity to come up with so many ideas in a moment in his career when other brilliant directors are long forgotten. ...

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