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Paisà / 老乡 / 战火的彼岸 / Roberto Rossellini

Just when you thought that the cinema form had lost its capacity to carry an important social message without the use of artsy-fartsy rethoric, there comes "Paisà"; a masterpiece for the ages. Rosselini is a name that must be spoken of in all schools and universities of the world. His ability (combined to a perfect script) to convey emotional meaning in film with the use of non-professional actors, natural locations, and still be able to make it VIBRANT and EXCITING... it´s uncanny. The power of...


——六十四集电视连续集剧本 作者:廖政权 主题歌词 《同行》 生活在这个世界里, 要珍惜自己。 生活在这个世界里, 要为他为己。 生活在这个世界里, 要实实际际。 我们在蓝天下,自在; 我们在地球村,勤快; 我们在人群中,仁爱。 堂堂正正做人,明明白白做事。 同呼吸,共做人; 同步走,路好行; 欢歌笑语,合格公民。 片尾歌词 《好好过》 天长地久,时光在流; 今生今世的我,把握主流; 天高地厚,山高水也流。 你所做一切,百姓记心头。 实实在在地生活,踏踏实实地走过,不要自己折磨。 青青的山,绿绿的水,我们...

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