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FANHALL ID: if00370
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评分: 7.5/10
(共 8 人评价)
片名: 誌同志
其它片名: /Queer China
导演: 崔子恩
编剧: 崔子恩
制片人: 朱日坤, 郭雅琦
摄影: 杨瑾, 李自強, 范坡坡
声音: 王鵬, 于博, 马赛
剪辑: 杨瑾, 張君
音乐: 乔乔
片长: 119分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


Since the dramatic social reforms of China started over twen years ago, gender and sexual orientations are getting increasing public attention. Male sexism and heterosexual hegemony are confronted with severe challenges from feminism and queerness. Progressess in sexual attitudes, behavior and media representations have been fumbling and stumbling its way among diehard conservatives in the 30 years of the China's new history.
We are in an age where images possess power to affect the world. We intend to review and summarize the development of homosexuality as an issue in the past 30 years with an archive of images. We aim to trace and document the homosexual equale rights movement in China and highlight the historical moments such as the decriminalization and depathologizing of homosexuality, along with a visual report of Chinese people’s conception shifts and positive media exposures. Our film will also present the achievements in legislation, academic research, literary creation in publication, artistic works on display and the joint efforts of combating HIV/AIDS by sexologists, medical professionals and community-based LGBT groups.
In this feature length documentary, we interviewed 30 prominent figures in the LGBT community, who have experienced the sea changes of views and lifes lifestyles regarding homosexuality in the past 30 years. By documenting and preserving a significant part of our history, we aim to investigate the present and explore the future.
The following are the main focuses and themes of the documentary: Academic publication: from translation to sociological research and to grassroots scholarly works; Sexology: from the “asexual era” to “liberated sex” to “one-child era”; Laws and regulations: from illegal to unillegal to appeal to legalization; Gender politics: from "unnameble" to "invisible" to "come out" ; Economy: from unified supply to "Pink Economy"; Mental sanitation and health: from the "pervert" to depathologization; Culture and media: from absence of attention to becoming a hot topic; Literature and art: from the underground to the press and to the podcasts; Community life: from hidden from light to facing the public.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

背景:1953 《中華人民共和國刑法》取消“雞奸罪”
1997 《中華人民共和國刑法》取消“流氓罪”
1998 第二屆香港華人同志大會和北京西山大覺寺同性戀會議舉行
背景:1924 《同性戀問題討論集》(周建人 編)出版
   1946 潘光旦《中國文獻中同性戀舉例》出版
      1992 李銀河、王小波《他們的世界——中國男同性戀群落透視》出版
背景:1997兩岸三地同性戀小說集《他他她她的故事》(盧劍雄主編 香港華生書店出版)出版
   1998 《希望》雜誌特別策劃“認識同性戀”大規模發行
2000 湖南衛視大型談話欄目《有話好說》“走近同性戀”播出
2001 《中國精神衛生管理條例》(第三版)完成,同性戀不再統劃為病態
2002 《現代文明畫報》同性戀特刊大規模發行
2005 CCTV大型談話欄目《新聞調查》“以生命的名義”播出
背景:2005 復旦大學(上海)在兩個院系開設同性戀研究公開課程
背景:2005 國務院衛生部副部長王隴德與同性戀艾滋預防志願者對話會議舉行
背景:1995 舞蹈演員金星通過變性手術成為女性
背景:2003 “同性婚姻合法化議案”由李銀河倡議提交全國人民代表大會法工委
1.From Pitch Black to Light Gray
1953 Abolition of ‘sodomy’ in the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China
1997 Abolition of ‘hooliganism’ in the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China
2.From Parks to Grassroots
1993 ‘Men’s World’ Saloon, Beijing Sea Horse Club
1997 Billy, Susuan and A Ping initiated Beijing BP99575 LGBT Hotline.
1998 The Second Chinese LGBT Conference, Hong Kong and Dajue Temple LGBT Conference, Beijing
  1998 “Friends” (edited by Zhang Beichuan) was published in Qingdao.
3. From Knowing to Knowledge
1924 Discussions on the Issues of Homosexuality, edited by Zhou Jianren
1946 Pan Guangdan Homosexuality in Classical Chinese Texts
  1992 Li Yinhe and Wang Xiaobo Their World: Perspectives on Chinese Gay Community
4. From Printing to Broadcasting
1997 publication of LGBT fiction colletion The Stories of Him, Him, Her and Her (edited by Lu Jianxiong, Hong Kong)
1998 the ‘Getting to Know Gay People’ Parade organised by the Hope magazine
  2000 ‘Approaching Gay People’ from ‘Say Whatever You Want’ dialogue program on Hunan Satellite TV
  2001 depathologisation of homosexuality in Chinese Classification of Mental Discorders (the third edition)
  2002 publication of the gay issue of the Modern Culture Pictorial
  2005 ‘In the Name of Life’ dialogue program from ‘News Probe’, China Central Television
5.From In to Out of the Classroom
 2005 Courses on gay studies were offered in two departments.
6.From Others to the Self
 2005 Wang Longde, vice minister of the Ministry of Health, Chian State Council held a special meeting with the LGBT HIV/AIDS Prevention volunteers.
7. From Transvestism to Transsexuality
1995 Jin Xing, a dancer, became a woman after sexual reassignment surgery.
8. From Shadow To Fruit
1995 ‘East Palace, West Palace’ (directed by Zhang Yuan) 
9.From slow motion to fast forwarding
2003 Li Yinhe submitted proposals to legalise same-sex marriage to the law committee of the National People’s Congress

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唯一的感触 [展开/收起]
长命百岁   2008-12-16 20:32:20   9回应
  我认为此片偏于学院派的感觉,个人并不是很喜欢。   我有很多朋友都是同性恋,所以我对同性恋的感觉没有什么特别的,我觉得他们和正常人一样。...
一些观后感(超长裹脚布长片) [展开/收起]
山坡羊   2008-11-26 11:29:05   7回应
不认识第一个字 [展开/收起]
art007   2008-11-21 15:58:54   1回应
是叫"ZHI同志”? 不太认识第一个字。

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网管(创建者), 范坡坡

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