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FANHALL ID: if00366
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其它片名: /Karma
导演: 王鸣
编剧: 王鸣
制片人: 王立学, 达瓦次仁
摄影: 王猛
美术: 邹杨, 玛瑙
声音: 冯雪源, 张墨
剪辑: 黄婷婷 , 王鸣 
主演: 普布次仁 , 扎西罗布 
音乐: 尼玛平措
片长: 27分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情短片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


In Tibet,Lhasa,the holy land.A young Tibetan driver who by accident lost in between the materialism and spiritual pursuit was finally released. An innocent Lama who walked out of the monastery with mission was disturbed by the worldly worries, and he was unexpectedly blessed in the end. Were they enligntened?

导演阐述 . . . . . .


This is a new, morden film about Tibet. I want to show the audience another point of view to showing the Tibetan culture and Tibetan religion. I am a young Tibetan, graduated from the Directing Department of the Beijing Film Academy. I wish all of you enjoy it.

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