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FANHALL ID: if00356
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片名: 私房青春
其它片名: /Private Youth
导演: 吕晓娟
摄影: 吕晓娟
声音: 张璐, 乔婧
剪辑: 吕晓娟, 王琼
音乐: 杨刘藤紫
片长: 59分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


When my classmates all finished their theses and waited for competitive examination, I picked up my DV, went to interview them one by one. There are 21 students and our advisor Zhuang Yuxin. We talked about these four years in academy, talked about fellows and teachers, talked about the dream and the future, and the most important, we talked frankly, sincerely, even privately. Here is our Private Youth.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


If you want to be inspired, you need to go deep into the life. And if you want to go deep into the life, do it right here and right now. Said Zhuang Yuxin, my advisor. According to this concept, I made Private Youth. And the golden part of this documentary is the intimate relationship between filmmaker and the interview objects. In this documentary, you could hear some wonderful stories and feel their conflicts. They are true to you, because there is no barrier. I still remember the comment from a professor in Beijing Film Academy, Privately, confiding the secrets to each other. You are fear of hurting me, and this fear makes me fear to hurting you. With honesty,dignity , and love.

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如何看啊? [展开/收起]
KIKI   2008-12-01 12:17:35   7回应
太长了 看得我昏昏欲睡 [展开/收起]
qxz007   2008-11-29 17:33:44   0回应
太长了 看得我昏昏欲睡太长了 看得我昏昏欲睡
挺有意思的。 [展开/收起]
Neveronline   2008-11-20 20:58:29   1回应

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评分: 未评分 年月:2009.11

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