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FANHALL ID: if00355
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片名: 书包里的秘密
其它片名: /The Secret in the Satchel
导演: 林泰州
编剧: 林泰州
制片人: 喬慰萱
摄影: 林泰州, 羅一景
美术: 林泰州
剪辑: 林泰州
音乐: 哈莫妮, 盧宛莉
片长: 52分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


“I don’t know when it started. But I began to hurt myself…”
“We took the stolen gun and wanted to help the girls get even…”
“I started to watch porn since grade school. I always fantasized about sex….”
During his 10 years of teaching at the University, the director had read more than a thousand of his students’ journals detailing their growth. The director selected three stories and invited his students to document their stories on film. The film intertwines documentaries, dramatization, comics animation, and song and dance to depict the trails and tribulations experienced by the students growing up.
The students and directors recreated the three stories, which recounted the students’ past filled with reckless abandon and bewilderment. The students did not grow up in an environment of utmost care. On the contrary, they were beautiful yet brave souls who revisited wounds hidden throughout the years, and, in the process, grew and matured.
The film explores the complicated inter-personal, family, sexual, and violent relationships of the young students. In his narration, the director, who also happened to be the students’ teacher, expressed anxiety and apprehension as he faced the harsh reality confronted by this new generation of students growing up.

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art007   2008-11-21 15:35:01   2回应
“不知道什麼時候開始,自己會做自我殘害的事……” “我們拿著偷來的槍,要替受害的女孩報仇……” “我從小學就開始看A片,對於性,我有非常美好的...

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