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CDFF2004:东京咖哩女郎 Tokyo Curry Women

2004-6-8 14:58  来源:Fanhall.com 作者:CDFF2004   感谢 fanhallfilm 的投递


Matsue Tetsuaki


2003 / 录像 / 30分钟


    “我的初恋女友能做的唯一的饭曾是咖喱饭,”影片制作人在片子的开始说。与住在东京的女人们三个晚上吃咖喱也许没有什么特殊的,但是这个影片非常有说服力地描述了城市中的小型社区生活。作品充满了渴望感。由Matsue Tetsuaki制作,他1999年的影片Annyong-Kimchi获得国际广泛赞誉。


Tokyo Curry Women (English subtitle)


Matsue Tetsuaki


2003 / Video / 30 min


"The only thing my first girlfriend could cook was curry rice," says the filmmaker at the start of the film. Three nights of eating curry with women living in Tokyo might not seem very special, but this work eloquently depicts lives within a small community in the city. The piece is filled with a sense of longing. By Matsue Tetsuaki, whose 1999 film Annyong-Kimchi was acclaimed worldwide. 
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