来自国际著名娱乐媒体Variety.com的消息:鹿特丹电影节Hubert Bals基金,最终由MARLENE EDMUNDSROTTERDAM授予来自中国、巴尔干半岛、阿尔巴尼亚的获奖者——鹿特丹国际电影节中的Hubert Bals基金将总计525,000欧元(合642,000美元)的奖金授予39部电影,为有史以来获奖者最多的一届。此次颁奖是一年两度基金颁发的第一轮,此基金一年近一百万美元的投入对促进非西方电影剧本创作、拍摄、后期制作以及发行等环节都起着很大的作用。
Rotterdam fund dishes pic coin Pix from China, Balkans, Albania granted monies
ROTTERDAM -- The Intl. Film Festival Rotterdam Hubert Bals Fund has awarded E525,000 ($642,000) to 39 films, the largest selection of projects in its history.It is the first of two annual grant rounds, which run to more than $1 million a year and are a major force in backing non-Western films with coin for script and project development, post-production and distribution.
Asia came out with the largest grant support for script and development, including three films from China, Zhang Ming's "Dark Legend," Gan Xiaoer's "Raised From the Dust" and Ju An-Qi's "Trip."Four projects chosen for script and development were from the Balkans, three from Bosnia Herzegovina and one from Albania.The Arabic Middle East, including Palestinian lenser Rashid Masharawi's "My Brother Is Arafat," as well as Argentina, a favorite territory of the IFFR, accounted for three projects each in script and development.Half of the eight post grants went to Latin America, while nine distrib grants were awarded to projects that stretched across the globe from Sri Lanka to Russia to Iran and Peru.Grants also went to support media and festival workshops in Morocco, Burkina Faso, Tunisia, Bosnia Herzegovina and the Philippines.