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2004-4-29 0:20  来源:现象电影论坛 作者:一点想法   感谢 fanhallfilm 的投递


ANNA(保母)对着一大堆新鲜的苹果做祷告,保佑。。。。。。。A ,MAN。 之后拿起了其中一个红苹果大口的吃起来,那是在清晨。



AGNES死了,ANNA没有什么表情,她知道这样,AGNES也许更好受些,她活着是太痛苦了,一死,似乎所有的痛苦都会没有。而KARIN 和MARIA(AGNES的两个姐姐)确很痛苦。他们给AGNES换了安谧服,把那痛苦挣扎的手掰开,摆出很安详的姿态。


AGNES:are you afraid of me?

ANNA : no, not in the least.

AGNES: I  am dead, you see. The trouble is I can not get to sleep. I can not leave you all. I am so tired. Can’t anyone help me?

ANNA: it is but a dream. AGNES

AGNES: no, it is not a dream. Perhaps, for you it is a dream, but not for me. I want Karin to come here.

(ANNA转身开门,中景, ANNA 开们,后面躺着已死的AGNES)

ANNA:AGNES wants Karin to come to her.

(KARIN 走过去,远处MARIN 惊惶)

AGNES:can’t you hold my hands and warm me? Stay with me until the horror is over. It is so empty all around me(KARIN猛回身,快速关上门,ANNA被关在外面)

KARIN: (似乎有点恶狠狠的)nobody would do what you ask. I am still alive. I won’t accept involvement with your death. Perchance, if I had loved you, but I don’t love you. What you ask me to do is repulsive. I am leaving you now. In a few hours I will be gone.
(KARIN 同样猛的打开门离开,ANNA在外面看着她,里面AGNES 在哭)


ANNA: yes.

AGNES: I want Maria to come

(ANNA 转身开门,中景这次门没全开,只漏了一道恰好能看到ANNA脸的逢,ANNA 有点犹豫)

ANNA: AGNES wants Maria to come in.

(MARIA 还没从痛苦与惊愕中出来,她慢慢的抬起头,走向了屋子,KARIN 望着MARIA “ENG” 了一声.ANNA慢慢走出,MARIA 毫无表情,似僵尸般走进屋内.似是走向死亡,ANNA迅速关上了门出去,似给死亡之门上了一道锁.MARIA吓了一跳)

AGNES: don’t be afraid. Please touch me. Please talk to me( MARIA 一点点靠近AGNES)hold me hands and warm me.

MARIA: you are me sister. I don’t want you to be alone. Oh, how sorry I am for you. Do you recall when we were small, and twilight came as we played, and both of us became frightened and wed cuddle very close and hold each other tight. It is simply the same thing now, isn’t it?

AGNES: I cant hear what you are saying. You must come closer to me, closer(MARIA 变的很痛苦,似哭) hold my hands(MARIA 哭)

(AGNES 用双手摸MARIA的脸庞,一直一直慢慢向下,把她抱住,MARIA完全压在AGNES身上了.MARIA惊惶的叫起来,挣脱掉,冲了出去.但她跟本就出不去(HERE WE GO)这正向开始我所说的那样,她似乎已经走进了死亡,且那扇通往死亡的门已经把关上了.MARIA用力的拍打着.她惊叫着,靠在了墙上.ANNA 进来, MARIA冲了出去, ANNA蹲下哭, MARIA 还是在外面道处寻找可以出去的门,可门都被锁住了)

AGNES: I’ll stay with you. I’ll stay here. Don’t cry

ANNA: you needn’t be afraid. I’ll stay by her.

MARIA: there is my daughter I must think about. She must realize that(MARIA对KARIN说).also, my husband needs me.

KARIN: it is pure morbidity, disgusting, meaningless(她变的歇斯底里)she has already begun to rot (镜头推开到她的脸上,大特写)she has foul spots on her hands( ANNA 在一边痛苦的摇头)

ANNA: I’ll take care of her( ANNA关上门,KARIN, MARIA站在门外)

(MARIA和KARIN 的特写,似乎都在想什么.KARIN嘴里又无声的发出了一个词)    


全家人都离开了,留下ANNA守家.点燃一支蜡烛,一点点音乐, 找出了那会AGNES的日记.

“ Wednesday, the third of September. The tang of autumn fills the clear, still air, but it

is mild and fine. My sister, Karin and Maria, have come to see me. It is wonderful to

be together again, like in the old days, and I am feeling much better. We were even

able to go for a little walk together, such an event for me. Especially since I have not

been out of doors for so long. Suddenly we began to laugh and run toward the old

swing, that we had not seen since we were children. We sat in it like three good little

sisters and Anna pushed us, slowly and gently. All my aches and pains were gone.

The people I am most fond of in all the world were with me. I could hear their

chatting around me. I could feel the presence of their bodies, the warmth of their

hands. I wanted to hold the moment fast and thought: come what may, this is

happiness. I can not wish for anything better. Now, for a few minutes, I can

experience perfection. And I feel profoundly grateful to my life which gives me so



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