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2004-4-25 11:13  来源:摇滚年 作者:gallagher    感谢 fanhallfilm 的投递
Cure并没有渲染Jay Division式的危险,也没有象Nick Caveyiyang 用男低音中压迫环境RobertSmith以那青春声音去描图一幅青春的图画,他用一种直执、无奈、无助、由于去关注去表现青春图象的另一类坐标轴。
拿到《Blood Flowers》是令人兴奋的,凝结了二十年的思考汇聚成一朵绚丽的花朵,虽然他们音乐是低调的,但期间无不绽放着奇异的花朵----血花。惨情的名字难以掩藏住红色的鲜活。
一、蒙蒙细雨轻拭着你,但天气却并未因此而变得郁闷.轻风如此飘柔,但它却可以将你托起,轻盈而又温暖地拖向远方,远方的美好.那远方的幻彩,远方的超脱.当我们驻足回望这一切时,却发现终究要走回通往现实的路的.Cure巧妙地抓住了这两个世界的意识:一边是难以割舍的梦大陆,一边是难以抗拒的现实之地.飘忽于这之间的意识就这样被Cure表现了出来.我们又何尝不是钟摆于现实和幻想之间么?OUT OF THIS WORLD或许可以平衡摇曳的心.
二、纠结于心头的痛楚是个打不开的结。或许覆于愤怒面孔上,或许深埋在心室最内间。当矛盾成为了死结的外衣之后,痛楚的人们会去用尖利的指甲将它撕扯成碎片。那更是一切无休止的游戏。WATCH ME FALL 11分13秒的长度岂知我们这游戏的相对时间。Cure用最为强烈的吉他音墙牵引着错综的木吉他,那不会是快乐的序曲。翻滚于内心的波浪,反复不断,不断重复,重复矛盾,矛盾不断,不断重复,重复矛盾……Robert Smith从镜子中看到自己,他一点点敲击镜子,人像模糊,镜子碎了,人像消失。Robert反复着这一系列动作,反复着,反复着。翻腾的血液染透着心灵的花朵。
remember the first time i told you i love you -
it was raining hard and you never heard -
you sneezed! and i had to say it over
"i said i love you" i said... you didn’t say a word
just held your hands to my shining eyes
and i watched as the rain ran through your fingers
held your hands to my shining eyes and smiled as you kissed me...

"if you die" you said "so do i" you said...
and it starts the day you make the sign
"tell me i’m forever yours and you’re forever mine
forever mine... "

"if you die" you said "so do i" you said...
and it starts the day you cross that line
"swear i will always be yours and you’ll always be mine
you’ll always be mine
always be mine... "

remember the last time i told you i love you -
it was warm and safe in our perfect world -
you yawned and i had to say it over
"i said i love you" i said... you didn’t say a word
just held your hands to your shining eyes
and i watched as the tears ran through your fingers
held your hands to your shining eyes and cried...

"if you die" you said "so do i" you said...
but it ends the day you see how it is
there is no always forever... just this...
just this...

"if you die" you said "so do i" you said
but it ends the day you understand
there is no if... just and

there is no if... just and

there is no if...
四,悲伤的诉说后却延伸出一种无比的安逸,宽广。爱情的话题并未轻易转移,但如此反差的表示不能不承认是一种静谧的唯没阿,对于事物细腻而真挚的体会。。。但那确实能带来痛苦么?痛苦的思绪唤醒了一种对于童真的回忆,无比纯真。看似平静却又向着远海的波浪天衣无缝地联系着天空的层云,太阳光奇迹地映射着side by side in silence,without a single word..it’s the LOUDEST SOUND
五,童真是年幼的结晶,年幼的美好记忆却已是年龄的印记。39,nothing left to burn it 39
this dream never ends you said
this feeling never goes
the time will never come to slip away
this wave never breaks you said
his sun never sets again
these flowers will never fade
this world never stops you said
this wonder never leaves
the time will never come to say goodbye
this tide never turnsyou said
this night never falls again
these flowers will never die

never die
never die
these flowers will never die

this dream always ends i said
this feeling always goes
the time always comes to slip away
this wave always breaks i said
this sun always sets again
and these flowers will always fade
this world always stops i said
this wonder always leaves
the time always comes to say goodbye
this tide always turnsi said
this night always falls again
and these flowers will always die

always die
always die
these flowers will always die

between you and me
its hard to ever really know
who to trust
how to think
what to believe
between me and you
its hard to ever really know
who to choose
how to feel
what to do

never fade
never die
you give me flowers of love

always fade
always die
i let fall flowers of blood

相关链接: Nick Cave




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