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2009-4-12 13:03  来源:现象网   感谢 吴秋龑(北京) 的投递
组织策划:吴秋龑 炭叹  
统筹: 王彬旭

Korea Experimental Film Festival
YiXiang Unit -- China New Experimental Films
Planning: wu qiuyan tantan
Coordination: wang binxu

对当代中国的一些年轻艺术家来说,既定的西方或东方艺术模式已不能满足他们在这个高速膨胀的社会里进行自我审视的需要,他们开始“实验”, 试图找到属于他们自己的艺术语言。
“实验”的含义并不仅是指尝试和创新,更多的是指一种独立思考、表达自我、拒绝流俗的精神。 “译像组”就是凝聚这种精神的一个开放的综合艺术组织,以影像创作为源点,综合其他当代艺术及相关门类。
Introduction :
For Chinese young artists they are trying to expand their vision over the established western art framework and traditional oriental aesthetics in this urbanizing society . To develop their unique art language they choose and explore the way of "experiment" .
We choose "experiment" , not only the conception of it leads to testing and innovation but a state of independent thinking , expression , criticism to the mainstream culture . YIXIANG is an synthesis art group that concentrates upon this philosophy , focusing on visual expression and exploring a fusion representation of multiple art forms through all the possible means .
This unit includes some short films from YIXIANG artists, presenting their vision to the world .



1. Conversation [对话]           
2'48, Animation, Colour, Sound, by CHEN Hailu [陈海璐]

2. Condense [凝]
9'57, DV, Colour, Sound, by WU Qiuyan [吴秋龑]

3. I'm Here [我在这里]
3'53, Animation, Colour, Sound, by LIAO Wenwen [廖雯文]

4. Me [我]
1'34, DV, Colour, Sound, by CHEN Xuegang [陈学刚]

5. Pupate [蛹]
1'43, DV, Colour, Sound, by SUN Nan [孙楠]

6. Day Dream [白日梦]
4'12, DV, Colour, Sound, by HU Ximiao [胡希淼]

7. Live [过]
4'44, DV, Colour, Sound, by TAN Tan [炭叹]

8. Rose [蔷薇]
4'18, DV, Colour, Sound, by LI Yuewei [李玥玮]

9. C'est La Vie [行过]
4'53, DV, Colour, Sound, by YE Yuanyuan [叶媛媛]

10. Face[面孔]
0'37, DV, Colour, Sound, by Wang Jingwei [王敬伟]

11. Type-975[型号-975]
3'00, DV, Colour, Sound, by Wang Heze [王赫泽]

12. Trace Of Water [水的轨迹]
6'04, DV, Colour, Sound, by SONG Song [宋松]

13. We Are All Good Homeland Children [我们都是祖国的好儿童]
1'54, DV, Colour, Sound, by DENG Li [邓黎]

14. Understand [悟]
3'27, DV, Colour, Sound, by WU Qiuyan [吴秋龑]

15. A City With Visible Landscape [看见风景的城市]
10'52, DV, Colour, Sound, by TIAN Miaozi [田苗子]

16. Notepad #1 - Ambush On All Sides [记事本#1 - 十面埋伏]
4'42, DV, B&W, Sound, by WANG Gefeng [王歌风]

17. Spend 1 minute with 60 people [与60人共度1分钟]
6'58, DV, Colour, Sound, by TAN Tan [炭叹]



