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2007-4-29 0:17  来源: 作者:   感谢 fanhallfilm 的投递

片名(Title) 一出戏        

英文名(English Title):  A  Play

片长(Running Time)55分钟

年份(Year of Production)2006


全球首映 World Premiere


导演(Directors):董向阳(dongxiangyang) 董向荣(dongxiangrong)


摄影(Cinematography):董向荣(dongxiangrong) 董向阳(dongxiangyang)       

剪辑(Editing):李娅君(liyajun) 柳毅(liuyi)                

公司(Production) 兄弟工作室( brothers workshop)







2001年春,在青艺剧院排演了一出戏叫《卡里古拉》。康峰担任该剧导演, 制作人耿胜拉到十万元现金,与中轻贸易公司签订合同——资方要求投资回报。该剧将在青艺剧场商演。




This documentary records the bewilderment, struggling, anxiety and indescribable afflictions a group of enthusiastic drama-loving young persons suffered when they struck a balance between arts and business, between reality and dream. Finally, their desire to improve the reality was shattered—the future is not necessarily better than the past.


In the spring of 2001, KANG Feng directed a drama named Caligula at the Youth Arts Theatre. Producer GENG Sheng raised 100,000 yuan from the China Light Industry Trade Corp. As a reward to the investor, the drama will be performed commercially at the Youth Arts Theatre.

To ensure an excellent performance, director KANG Feng devoted himself to the pressing rehearsal with the actors wholeheartedly. However, the shabby rooms, the unmanageable script, the puzzling actors, together with the lack of money, made everyone restless and anxious. GENG Sheng’s endless worrying and complaint imposed great pressure on KANG Feng, who in turn blamed the actors for not having acquired a better understanding of the script. When the rehearsal ended a month later hastily, the performance did not come up to the expectations, which led to KANG Feng’s angry shouting at the actors on the stage of the theatre.

The performance started in a hurry before GENG Sheng lived up to a comprehensive promotion. The first public performance—tickets were donated towards the audiences—was a big success, and the director and the actors were all inspired by the ardent applause. Whereas when the tickets began to be sold in the next days, it turned out to be a fiasco—the number of the audiences was declining; the revenue from the box office was just 200 yuan per day, compared with 3,000 for the rent of the theatre. The actors were depressed, but KANG Feng was unwilling to concede his failure and refused to quit the stage. Overwhelmed by the increasing pressure, GENG Sheng turned to drinking to give vent to his grievances. As time went on, their arrears to the theatre was mounting, and the theatre manager, TONG Mei kept on asking them for money. In order to find a way out, GENG Sheng and KANG Feng tried to performing at Beijing University. Things went contrary to their wishes, because their drama was considered as lacking commerciality. That day, the theatre refused to let them perform again, until GENG Sheng paid with the remaining 4,000 yuan and signed a bill in acknowledgement of the debt. However the situation was not improved, and the total arrears accumulated to over 19,000 yuan. On May 2nd, the drama was finally forced to quit. The last show was kind of solemn and stirring: despite the applause and laughter from the audiences after the curtain call, the set designer and the light director were detained; besides, they were not allowed to take the lighting away (due to the debt of over 19,000 yuan). GENG and KANG were forced to sign the bill to the light director, and their ID cards were also detained. All the staff dined together that night; they all got drunk and confided their sadness to each other. From actors to staffs, everyone got only 500 yuan from GENG. Two days later, GENG and KANG paid off the theatre by borrowed 20,000 yuan. At last, the drama left them with a debt of more than 119,000 yuan (including the investment of 100,000) and an empty stage. Two years later, the Youth Arts Theatre was privatized, GENG Sheng finally got rid of all the debts, and KANG Feng became a playwright

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