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2006-6-1 19:41  来源:www.fanhall.com 作者:现象工作室   感谢 fanhallfilm 的投递
简历:周弘湘,1969 生于江苏东台,1994 毕业于华东师范大学艺术系,现任教于上海师范大学。他的影片游走于欧洲,但却很少被国内人看到, 04,05,06欧洲媒体艺术节、"电影的艺术"曼海姆当代美术馆,第54届曼海姆-海德堡国际电影节、第51届奥伯豪森国际短片电影节、巴塞尔VIPER国际电影录像&新媒体、荷兰第21届世界录像节、第8届釜山国际电影节、香港艺术中心中国独立时代:电影及录像展开幕片、第59届威尼斯国际电影节New Territory单元、第三届泰国曼谷实验电影节等等,都展出过他的影片。他的影片在欧洲媒体艺术节提名EMAF奖,提名欧洲Werkleitz奖,德国transmediale.04 柏林国际媒体艺术节影像大奖。
第59届威尼斯电影节New Territories单元选片人Serafino Murri声称“又一个Jean-Luc Godard(戈达尔)在中国诞生了!”
12+ Contemporary Experimental Image Screening Presented by: Shanghai Duolun MoMA and Art World MagazineDate: June.17.2006 14:00Venue: 4th floor Shanghai Duolun MoMADirector: Zhou HongxiangCurator: Zhu Haijian
Zhou Hongxiang
Born in 1969 and graduated from East China Normal University with a major in Fine Arts. Now he is working at Shanghai Normal University.
His films, which have toured all of Europe and have been exhibited in 04,05,06 European Media Festivals, have actually rarely been shown in his home country China.He has shown in the 54th Heidelberg Film Festival in Mannheim, the 51st Oberheiz international Short Movie Festival, Basel Viper International Film, Recording and New Media Festival, the 21st World Recording Festival in Holland, the 8th Pusan International Film Festival, Hong Kong Art Center the Independent Era of China: the open film of Film and Recording, the 59th Venice International Film Festival New Territory Unit and the 3rd Bangkok Experimental Film Festival.
His film is nominated for the EMAF award in Europe Media Festival and received the Image Prize in Germany Transmediale 04 Berlin International Media Festival.
Does film really become a revolutionary art?
Zhou raised the question. In his film “Red Flag Floating”, there is no narration and no dialogue. The actors are just stepping into the camera lens and yelling some words. The director tries to process the people as the symbol. In Zhou’s opinion, today’s film has become an industry but it doesn’t provide new ideas and language.
The 59th Venice Film Festival New territories Unit selector claims that Another Jean–Luc Godard is born in China.




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