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2005-8-3 14:52  来源:fanhall.com 作者:fanhall.com   感谢 fanhallfilm 的投递



Director's statement

由二十多分钟的<Like Father! Like Son!>版本改动成现在的<大虎子!撤!!>实在是历尽沧桑...
我們曾以为要找到像Robert Deniro般有型有款的的士司即,不难;但最終来的只是一個有精神分裂的『气质』及『內涵』是迷恋超人的麻甩佬!


洪静文,2000毕业于香港城市大学创意媒体学院,现任职于多媒体制作公司的后期制作,主力于剪接工作.<<大虎子!撤>>为首部自编自导剧情片. <<大虎子!撤>>为2004年香港艺术节放映影片之一。


对艺术及媒介的工作充满热诚。修读平面设计出身,其后把利用图像解构重组的技巧运用于录像故事之中。于1944年与摄影导演合作导演<春光乍泄>的后续纪录片<摄氏零度‧春光再现>、<花样年华>制作特辑及2002年获国家地理频道所委托拍摄<A Two-way Tea Journey>等…

DirectorFlorence Hung Ching Man  洪静文

Florence Hung graduated from City University of Hong Kong(School of) in 2000. Currently she works in the post-production department of a multimendia company. Craven Tiger is her directing-and-scriptwriting debut.

Amos LEE Yip-wah  李业华

Amos is a great storyteller and has a caring heart for art.  First trained as a graphic designer, Amos is known for his creativity in handling graphics and visual elements.  Equipped with the design talent and the gift on story telling, Amos stepped in the theatre circle and kicked off his inaugural theatre piece in 1994, serving both as the writer and director of the creation. Since then, Amos has showcased his flair on the production stage of films, documentaries and music videos.

The production Buenos Aires Zero Degree, co-directed with KWAN Pun-leung, was invited to the 50th Berlin International Film Festival Directors’ Forum.
The production A Two-Way Tea Journey, documentary video, 2002, commissioned by THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPIC CHANNELS
#Show Real Asia the Best Editing 2003 by THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPIC CHANNELS



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