
FANHALL ID: im05031
姓名: | 黄儒香 |
性别: | 女 |
生日: | 不详 |
影人概述: . . . . . .
Biography of Director:
Huang Ruxiang, female. Original name, Huang Juan. Born in 1973, now lives in Beijing. She began to make independent documentary from 2000. 2002-2009, finished documentary “Up the mountain”; 2002-2005, finished documentary “Dr Zhang”; 2000-2001, finished documentary “Going home”.
2007, won the best film in the International Doc Competition, Tek International Documentary Film Festival, Rome, Italy
2007, the 4th Chinese Documentary Film Festival
2007, the 6th Taiwan Urban Nomad Film Festival
2007, attended the Black Movie Festival, Geneva, Switzerland
2006, collected by Songzhuang Art Gallery, Beijing, China
2006, Reel China Documentary Biennial, New York, America
2006, Made in China Young Art and Film from Beijing, Berlin, Germany
2005, the 1st Beijing DV Film Festival
Biography of Director:
Huang Ruxiang, female. Original name, Huang Juan. Born in 1973, now lives in Beijing. She began to make independent documentary from 2000. 2002-2009, finished documentary “Up the mountain”; 2002-2005, finished documentary “Dr Zhang”; 2000-2001, finished documentary “Going home”.
2007, won the best film in the International Doc Competition, Tek International Documentary Film Festival, Rome, Italy
2007, the 4th Chinese Documentary Film Festival
2007, the 6th Taiwan Urban Nomad Film Festival
2007, attended the Black Movie Festival, Geneva, Switzerland
2006, collected by Songzhuang Art Gallery, Beijing, China
2006, Reel China Documentary Biennial, New York, America
2006, Made in China Young Art and Film from Beijing, Berlin, Germany
2005, the 1st Beijing DV Film Festival
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对本影人资料作出贡献的会员 . . . . . .
黄儒香导演的影片 . . . . . .
黄儒香制片的影片 . . . . . .
黄儒香摄影的影片 . . . . . .
黄儒香剪辑的影片 . . . . . .
相关资讯 . . . . . .
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- 黄儒香:我要先处理好作为一个人的状态 2009-05-31
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- 专访CDFF2009节目总监朱日坤、选片人王宏伟 2009-05-22
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