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FANHALL ID: im04836
姓名: 麦海珊
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

客、電影/錄像/聲音藝術家,畢業於香港浸會大學傳理學院的電影電視系,後再於香港大學比較文學系完成哲學碩士,其間做藝術行政、教散書和文字編輯工作糊口。現於Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University修讀藝術博士課程。作品以實驗電影和錄像藝術為主,其中多部於香港獨立短片及錄像比賽得獎。作品曾被邀請在本地影展(微波媒體藝術節及香港國際電影節等),和外地影展放映(日本、台灣、韓國、新加坡、挪威、西班牙、澳洲、英國與美國等)。她也有寫作,文章刊於多本書刊、雜誌與報紙。近年愛上了phonography田野錄音的聲音藝術,作品《火車繪景》獲2005國巨聲音藝術獎首獎。她也曾是 AMK樂團成員。網站和作品資料:http://www.aahsun.com

Anson Mak Hoi Shan, is a local born Hong Konger. She is a writer, blogger, phonographer, film/video artist and a cultural critic. At present, she is studying a Doctor of Fine Art programme at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University and working in Hong Kong on research projects and teaching – in universities and community centres. She obtained a BSSc from the Department of Cinema and Television, School of Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University in 1991, and a Master of Philosophy in the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong in 2000. She has created more than twenty film/video works. Some of them were awarded in the Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards. Her works have been screened in many local festivals including Festival Now, Microwave Media Arts Festival and the Hong Kong International Film Festival, etc. Her many other works were also invited to overseas screenings in Japan, Taiwan, Norway, Spain, Australia, Singapore and United States etc. She is a writer and musician (a band member of AMK) as well. Her writings have been published in many newspapers and magazines. Website: http://www.aahsun.com

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