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FANHALL ID: im04593
姓名: 王傲飞
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

王傲飞,女,1984年生于北京,少时学习钢琴、舞蹈以及绘画,2006年毕业于中央美术学院, 2007年参与中央美术学院与美国加州艺术学院合作实验电影专业研究生课程。

Female, 1984 born in Beijing. Interests and hobbies include piano, dancing and drawing.  Graduating from China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2006.Attended experimental film graduate program conducted by China Central Academy of Fine Arts and California Art Institute in 2007.Animation short film “200420” has received best director nomination at Chinese Animation Institute Award.

Experimental short film “073606” was completed in June of 2006. It has received first prize at 2006 China Central Academy of Fine Arts Awards for best senior project. The film is also shown at the following festivals: PingYao DV Film Festival during September 2006, China Top Eight Academies Film Festival during May 2007, Singapore CNAP Art Festival during June 2007, US International Environmental Art Fest in 2008,and be shown at the China Contemporary Art Biennale 2008.

Experimental short film “Monologue” be shown at the China Contemporary Art Biennale 2008.)

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