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FANHALL ID: im04295
姓名: 田苗子/David tian
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

2007年 《2008北京奥运倒计时一周年广告宣传片》
2006年   《北京2008残奥会吉祥物动画宣传片》,获中国第三届国际动漫节最佳动画短片奖
2006 Executive director of ‘the mascot animation film of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games’, the Best Short Film of the 3rd China International Cartoon and Animation Festival;

2005年 《北京2008奥运吉祥物动画宣传片》,获第23届中国电视金鹰奖美术片奖 优秀美术片奖
2005 Executive director of ‘the mascots animation film of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games’, the Outstanding Animation Film of the 23rd China Golden Eagle TV Art Festival;

2005年 动画片《墙——献给母亲》美术顾问,中国动画成就奖艺术短片类银奖(金奖空缺),2006年入选萨格勒布国际动画节非竞赛单元“环球80分展映”,2006年入选比利时布鲁塞尔动画节
2005 art consultant of the short animation film ‘The Wall-to mother’, the silver prize of the art short films of China Animation Achievement Prize (the golden prize absent), selected in the ‘80 minutes Worldwide Show’ of the non-competition unit of the Zagreb World Festival Of Animated Films; selected in the Brussels International Animation Festival.

2000—2006年拍摄大量商业广告。客户包括红牛,中国工商银行,中国网通,MTV音乐电视频道,德国电视 2台,法国电视2台,CCTV与BTV,多次入选中国广告节优秀广告奖
2000-2006 directed numerous commercial films for big clients such as RedBull, ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China), CNC (China Netcom), MTV China.com, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), France 2 (FR2), China Central TV (CCTV) and Beijing TV station (BTV); many of them are selected as excellent advertisements in China Advertising Festival.

2001年 赴法国拍摄纪录片“SOLIDAY音乐盛会”
2001 Documentary on the Soliday music festival in France

1999年 纪录片“5月9号母亲节” 参加德国汉诺威电影节
1999 Documentary, 9th May, mother’s day, participated in the Hannover Up and Coming Film Festival

1999年 青年电影制片厂35毫米电影《冲天飞豹》负责视觉特效处理
1999 Visual effects for the 35mm film‘the Towering Leopard’of the Youth Film Studio of Beijing Film Academy

1997年 作品“MO”参加“香港第一届独立制片电影节”
1997 Video work‘MO’ participated in the 1st Hongkong Independent Short Film Festival;

1998年  作品“拔牙”参加“97中国录像艺术观摩展”,首展在中央美术学院画廊展出后赴德国巡展
1998 Video work ‘ dental extraction ’participated in the 1997 China Video Art Exhibition which was firstly exhibited in the China Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, then toured in Germany. 

1995年 油画作品“惑”选送澳大利亚中国油画展在墨尔本,悉尼作巡回演出
1995 Oil painting ‘Confusion’ selected in the China Oil Painting Exhibition in Australia;

1994年 版画作品“大马戏团”“对比”入选第九届国际青少年版画双年展
1994 Print works ‘Grand Circus’ and ‘Comparison’ selected in the 9th International Youth Print Art Biennale.


E-mail : epg2008@vip.sina.com
Website : http://www.epg2008.com
博客  http://blog.sina.com.cn/epg2009

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epg2008   2008-11-07 14:39:44   1回应
法国斯特拉斯堡当代艺术馆 http://www.musee-strasbourg.org/F/art_mod.html 法语 法国尼斯当代艺术馆 http://www.mamac-nice.org/ 法语、英语。 法国...

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