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Stefan Schwietert

FANHALL ID: im13691
姓名: Stefan Schwietert/思特凡·施维泰特
生日: 1961-01-01

影人概述: . . . . . .

1982年得到奖学金并在旧金山的加州艺术学院学习,主修电影和影视课程。1984年至1990年在柏林的DFFB学院学习。1991年在泰维尔成立了尼泊尔电影公司,制作导演纪录影片。先后在瑞士和德国的电影学校任教。长期居住和创作在柏林和泰维尔。在2005年 “手风琴舞曲”和2008年的“Heimklänge”(民政回音) 获得瑞士电影奖,最佳纪录片奖。
Born in 1961 in Esslingen, Germany. Grew up in Therwil. Made his first films for Video genossenschaft Basel. 1981-82 Lives in Brazil. Worked as a director’s assistant in musical films for TV Globo. 1982 Receives a grant to study at the California Art Institute in San Francisco; attends film and video classes. 1984-90 Studies at DFFB (Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie, Berlin). 1991 Founding of Neapel Film in Therwil. Produces and directs documentary films. Teaches in film schools in Switzerland and Germany. Lives and works in Berlin and Therwil. Awarded Swiss Film Prize, Best Documentary in 2005 for “Accordion Tribe” and in 2008 for “Heimklänge” (Echoes Of Home).
1986 Das Topolino Projekt
1987 Tapez 36-15 Code Gorba (both short films)
1988 Fualni 88, the Last Ten Days of a Campagne (documentary)
1991 Sprung aus den Wolken (fiction)
1994 Der Schatten ist lang
1996 A Tickle in the Heart 
1998 Im Warteraum Gottes
2000 El Acordeón del Diablo 
Voyage Oriental – The George Gruntz Concert Jazz Band in Turkey
2001 Liebeslieder
2003 Das Alphorn 
2004 Schwarze Madonna
Accordion Tribe
2007 Heimatklänge (all documentaries)

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