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Igal Peeri

FANHALL ID: im12337
姓名: Igal Peeri
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

Directed by seasoned director,writer and photographer Igal Peeri, "My Love, My Love" is notable for its narrative and the use of still-image cinematography. "My Love, My Love" tells a love story of a 17-year-old girl with the Lebanese war set against the backdrop. Winning Best Narrative Short from Israel, Best Short Film in New York Jewish Film Festival and several other awards in Europe, Igal Peeri's "My Love, My Love" is one of the most innovative and beautiful short film not to miss at the festival. Igal Peeri made his apperance at the festival for Q&A and also gave a lecture to film students at Bangkok University.

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