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FANHALL ID: im10101
姓名: 李焱天
生日: 1980-11-14

影人概述: . . . . . .

李焱天,男,毕业于中国戏曲学院导演系影视导演专业本科。07年完成了导演处女作《那年夏天》。做过电影 电视剧 舞台剧 纪录片。拍过广告 MV 宣传片 。在八毫米栏目电影做过10多个高清电影的制片主任。现从事纪录片的拍摄
Bio-filmography of Director:
LiYanTian, Male, graduated with Bachelor's degree in Directing from The National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts. Accomplished directing debut "The Summer". Held the post of Executiive Director in several films and TV dramas. Made two music videos. Held the post of producer in more than ten high definition short films for '8mm' Film Program in Guandong Television. currently involved in shooting documentary films

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4444(创建者), 4444, 李焱天

李焱天导演的影片 . . . . . .

李焱天编剧的影片 . . . . . .

李焱天创作音乐的影片 . . . . . .

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