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2005-06-15 16:33:12   来自: 老猪 (暫住中國)
  第一届北京同性恋文化节(the 1st Beijing Gay & Lesbian Culture Festival)组委会于2005年6月14日在北京正式成立。
  1 媒体重放
  2 学生园地
  3 歌会
  4 影像
  5 剧场
  6 反串大赛
  7 文化论坛
  8 现代艺术展览
  9. 多媒体现场放送

2005-06-17 11:57:16  elvita (北京)


2005-06-17 23:17:06  Jude (北京)


2005-06-18 01:22:50  老猪 (暫住中國)


2005-06-18 01:34:43  老猪 (暫住中國)


2005-06-18 23:38:39  和尚 (冰城)


2005-06-19 00:19:09  范坡坡 (北京东城)

  [quote]下面引用由老猪2005/06/18 01:34am 发表的内容:

2005-06-19 00:34:50  老猪 (暫住中國)


2005-06-19 00:52:03  happy1544 (北京)


2005-06-19 01:08:26  龙笑歌


2005-06-19 12:22:32  evanhl (北京东城)


2005-06-19 16:30:32  龙笑歌


2005-06-19 18:14:15  nsyns6590

  哪个明星敢来 我佩服谁

2005-07-06 01:39:38  磊子 (北京海淀)


2005-07-16 00:32:30  老猪 (暫住中國)


2005-07-24 00:30:04  篮球飞象 (原始森林)

  [quote]下面引用由老猪2005/06/19 00:34am 发表的内容:
  真的想不出来老朱反串会是什么效果,则个。。。很期待 :em03:

2005-07-24 00:31:53  若曦 (北京朝阳)


2005-07-24 09:55:06  老猪 (暫住中國)


2005-07-27 18:09:33  龙笑歌


2005-08-18 20:12:58  房囚 (北京海淀)


2005-08-18 20:33:17  木匠


2005-10-13 01:04:05  范坡坡 (北京东城)

  有一张《gay song collection》,是世界范围内的同性恋歌曲收藏,这两首都收进去了。
  [quote]下面引用由房囚2005/08/18 08:12pm 发表的内容:

2005-10-13 01:04:21  范坡坡 (北京东城)

  [这个贴子最后由fanpopo在 2005/10/13 01:05am 第 1 次编辑]
  《同志亦音乐》(Gay Music Collection)
   CD20,收录25首,风格分为Opera、Classic与Disco,包含许多经典曲目推荐下载。香蕉女郎Bananarama再次加入高唱女同歌曲Venus,名乐队Divine的同志歌曲You Think You're A Man。本贴现在已经发到了第20卷,大家有没有被吓一跳?虽然此贴没有被置顶,但是短期内点击率已经超过不少音乐区的置顶贴(某种意义上讲,帮VC振兴了欧美音乐了),估计是这个特辑的标题和挑战禁忌的封面把许多听不懂歌词的人也吸引来了(对普通中国人来说,与性相关的东西就是禁忌,更别说同性了,然而这个发布比较骑墙:仔细听听歌词,你说它宣扬同性恋也不是,说它色情也不对,也没有不健康,说它挂羊头卖狗肉更不对,因为歌曲几乎都是紧扣同志题材)。90年代初期,美国建立了GLAAD和GLAMMA两个Gay音乐大奖(比如Christina Aguilera的Beautiful就是2003年GLAAD大奖的得主),并且成立了专门的Gay And Lebian乡村音乐组织。所以每年同志音乐都层出不穷(不少唱同志歌曲的人本身不一定是同志)。至于有人说我的这个发布有个人目的,为此我特意在回贴中写了一段我为什么要发布这个音乐贴子,大家有兴趣的话可以去看。本贴更新暂时停止,更多同志音乐请访问:http://www.queermusicheritage.com/
   CD19, Sure of You. 大家从歌名上就能看的出,此辑含有不少Lebian歌曲。此外,Tori Fixx继Maryy me之后再次带来一首出色的Rap同志歌曲FaQue。When In Rome的the Promise很好听。
   CD18,Gay Power Mix. 11首很好的Gay Disco,听过CD13那张纯gay Bar的DJ碟吗?如果感觉行就接着下这个吧。这张同出于一个系列,同一策划DJLogan,PPliu,很好的Disco碟。虽然是专为Gay而出版发行的音乐辑合,但是应该同样适合普通人。音质为192kpb/s。
   CD17,The Gay Hips.收录14首,Hip-pop、Rap、Rock、Country、Pop、Comedy风格。表现突出的歌曲有Everybody is gay,Coming out of the dark等。整体表现中肯。
   CD16,Classic Gay Hits.收录一首很有趣的Rap:Gay As I am,是Eminem和Elton John在格莱美上合唱的Grey As I am Gay Mix,Elton John是公开的同志,Eminem被传也是,有意思,这首歌算打的准。另外收录Suede(山羊皮乐队)的Gay歌The Drowner,以前不熟悉这个乐队,刚查他们的资料发现这个乐队挺大胆的,首张专辑封面是两个男人在Kiss。同志构成的乐队很多,像他们这么出格的并不多。虽然Disco是gay的创造,但同志毕竟是个少数民族,Disco被引入异性恋之后出于商业目的,歌词中很少再涉及同性恋。虽然发布了这么多同志歌曲,但其实音乐很难分辨其同志性,但因为有同志倾向的艺术家巨多,无论怎么为了商业化而迎合异性恋人群,偶尔还是会漏出马脚,这些歌曲的直接性算是难得的了。
   CD15,Rock Gay.18首,因为有重金属Rock成份,风格有点硬。我个人不是很推荐。因为我比较喜欢Pop(其实同志歌曲种类很多,有Classic,Jazz等,不过我都不太喜欢,所以不想发,如果大家感兴趣请到同志音乐遗产网去看--不要以为同志歌曲都被我发完了啊,我只是发布小部分我不反感的),但是也有亮点如Smalltown boy、Jealous Gay,舞曲很棒,如Lightsabre gay,还包括2首乡村风格的,但是感觉此专辑不适合女孩听,基本上没什么柔情的歌。有一首Legendary Children令人惊喜,把历史上许多同志名人罗列了一大堆,很有意思。
   CD14,Free Gay and Happy,大牌名星Bananarama、Lime的加入让这张同志专辑格外引人注目,一首Free Gay & Happy几乎成为西方同志运动的Anthem。此专辑15首歌曲(包括Free gay and happy以及Unexpected lovers的几个Mix版本),歌词中显示出勿容质疑的同志性。令人吃惊的是The Hazzards的Gay Boyfriend 舞曲Remix竟然叫上海“Surprise”版,奇怪了,难道这个组合来过中国?192kpb/s高品质压缩...
   CD13,Gay Power Mix vol2.这张是纯gay吧的Dance碟,2005年新出的,名子叫Gay Power Mix系列中的一个碟.一些朋友似乎对gay吧的舞曲很感兴趣。就发上来了。风格与CD7 infinitemente gay不太一样。混音师DJ Logan,没听说过,有些是大牌歌星的Remix,,这一类的专辑在国外很多,我个人感觉,老外有些CD叫gay什么什么,是商业运作,不是gay的照样也可以跟着跳舞吧,不过这些舞曲感觉确实很爽。压缩比率192kpb/s...
   CD12,Family and Friends Special.此专辑收录25首,歌曲种类广泛,质量普遍很高,不仅涉及Gay与朋友的关系如When We Were Friends,父母的关系take your mama out,反AIDS歌曲AIDS,还包括向社会的请愿书People are people,We are family等。女孩如果认识gay朋友,不妨来听一下gay boyfriend,很好听。深情之外,也不缺乏快节奏的同志歌曲。强烈推荐下载。
   CD11,Disco Bonus...,在音乐史上,Disco是Gay的发明创造,后来被引入到普通大众。此CD收录了11首Gay Disco...此专辑只是一张gay味很浓Disco碟...里面的歌曲歌词与gay相关,曲子也很好,但我感觉听起来比不上Hey hey guy和Color my love那么爽...所以只能作为小小的Bonus送给大家...
   CD10,Gay Life.收录26首,这张我很喜欢。里面的歌曲很经典。YMCA是同志歌曲的代表作。并收录Janet Jackson的同志歌曲Tonight is the night。歌曲的主题也从同性爱转向双性恋,并收录反爱滋病歌曲Safe Sex,Together Again,此碟的可听性很强。
   CD9,24首。收录巨星Celine Dion(席琳狄翁)和Robbie Williams(罗比·威廉姆斯)的同志名作。Fun Fun的Color my love Gay disco...,风格包括Country、Pop、Rap。
   CD7-Infinitemente Gay,25首:2004年美国著名的DJ混音大师Juanjo Martin、 Ivan Pica(1-13是Juanjo Martin的作品,13-25是Ivan Pica的作品)专门为美国的Gay吧推出了这张舞曲专辑Infinitemente Gay,大家如果看过《Queer as folk》,一定会为同志舞厅里面的性感且极端放纵的节奏所深深感染,这张专辑绝对有过之而无不及。其中Hey Hey Guy打上舞曲排行榜首位。绝对经典的值的收藏的舞曲专辑。即使你不懂英文,听不懂歌词,如果你对舞曲感兴趣,此专辑是绝对不能不下载的。我特地将此专辑采用192kpb/s高品质压制,音质绝对高保真,不过个头也就大了许多,达到230MB。在Gay Music Collection中作为Bonus特别发布。
   CD6,24首,流行加节奏强烈,收录英国著名同志巨星埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)专门为纪念美国一起异性恋迫害同性恋事件写的著名歌曲American Triangle,以及反爱滋病同志歌曲Ballad of the Boy in the Red Shoes...
   CD4,26首,流行为主,风格和音乐种类比较多,巨星Diana Ross的同志出柜歌曲 I'm Coming Out,收录中文乐队五月天的两首同志歌曲...
   CD3,Marry me.30首,围绕同志婚姻问题,Country Music风格,个人觉的此专辑非常成功,强烈推荐...
   CD2,24首,节奏感非常强的专辑,经典的Gay Disco...
   CD1,24首,流行音乐为主,收录非常经典的同志影视主题曲,克莉丝汀·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera)的著名同志歌曲Beautiful、珍妮·杰克逊(Janet Jackson)的作品Free Xone...
  原图:http://img701.photo.wangyou.com/2005/5/9/89001/200511156359650.gif | 800x112
   此音乐合集辑精选收录了众多来自世界各国的高品质同志(Gay & Lesbian)歌曲。包括埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)、克莉丝汀·阿奎莱拉(Christina Aguilera)、布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀(Bruce Springsteen)、珍妮·杰克逊(Janet Jackson)、席琳狄翁(Celine Dion)、罗比·威廉姆斯(Robbie Williams)、Valerie Pinkston、阿巴(ABBA)、Diana Ross、电动六人组(Electric Six)、Gloria Gaynor、宠物店男孩(Pet Shop Boys)、Renaud、Duran Duran等众多实力明星作品及俄罗斯著名女同志组合T.A.T.U的精选同志歌曲,还有他们的同门师弟Smash!!,不少歌曲曾是Billboard上的热门。曲目类型包括R&B、Rock、Pop、Country、Classic、Rap等。专辑里面的歌曲是从此类别的歌曲中选出的精品(英国的Gay Dad这种摇滚粗口类同志乐队的音乐并没有收录),歌曲目的并非宣扬同性爱,大部分是借这个主题反映社会问题,例如表现异性恋者爱上了同志的无奈,或者同志爱上了异性恋出现的复杂感情难题,甚至还有涉及同志婚姻及立法问题。或幽默或反叛或含蓄或直白,风格各异,流行性都相当强。作为欧美音乐爱好者,完全可以不理会其前卫思想内容,只单纯把其作为音乐欣赏,专辑中的歌曲都相当好听,从这个角度,可以称得上精品。原版CD不包含中文同志歌曲,本人加入中文部分。
  1.Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
  2.Renaud - Petit Pede
  3.Valerie Pinkston - Trick Of Fate
  4.Beauty 4 - Gay guy
  5.Electric Six - Gay Bar
  6.Al Yankovic - I'm The Only Gay Eskimo
  7.T.a.t.u - All the things she said
  8.The Drifters - Save the Last Dance for Me
  9.Al Yankovic - We are all gay
  10.Gay Gangsters - Gay Gangsters
  11.Stephen Lynch - If I Were Gay
  12.Avenue Q - If You Were Gay
  13.Tat Ming - Forbidden Love
  14.Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia
  15.Janet Jackson - Free Xone
  16.Queer As Folk Bonus - Sexy Boy
  17.Tat Ming - Forget He Is A She
  18.T.a.t.u - Malchik Gay
  19.The Wild 94.9 Doghouse - Gay Barbie song
  20.Gloria Gaynor - I am what I am
  21.T.a.t.u - Not Gonna Get Us
  22.Chow Wai - Gay song
  23.Pet Shop Boys - Absolutely Fabulous Gay Remix
  24.Smash!! - Should have loved you more
  1.Abba - Dancing Queen
  2.Alex_o_Fabuloso-Mister Gay
  3.DJ RAINBOW -All my friends are gay
  3.Anal Cunt - You're Gay
  4.Army Of Lovers - Crucified
  5.El Chivi - El abuelo es gay
  6.El Vacilon De La Manana - Gay song
  7.Frank Zappa - he's so gay
  8.Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax
  9.Gala - let a boy cry
  10.Juanjo Martin & Javi Reina - One of Thousand
  11.Limp - My son Mystic
  12.Male Stripper-Male Stripper
  13.Mamonas Assassinas - Robocop Gay
  14.Omd vs Sash - Enola Gay
  15.Dj MauRi - PluMa PluMa Gay
  16.Pussy Tourette - I Think He's Gay
  17.Mylene Farmer - Sans contrefacon
  18.Southpark - Big Gay,I'm Super
  19.Sylvester - Take Me To Heaven(Remix)
  21.Tatu-How soon is now
  22.Tatu-Malchik gay(English Version)
  23.Tom Robinson Band - Glad To Be Gay
  24.Wuyetian-Mixed sexes
  1.Chixie Dix (Hedda Lettuce & Yolanda)-Marry Me
  2.Dave Hall-Biff 'N Tony's Wedding
  3.DONOVAN-What Our Love Is Made Of
  4.Estrogen-If You Want To Be Happy
  5.Green & Root-Marrying You
  6.Heartland Men's Chorus-I Do
  7.Hidden Cameras-Ban Marriage
  8.Jamie Anderson-A Love This True
  9.Jamie Anderson-Wedding Song
  10.Janice Leber-Goin' to Massachusetts with Love
  11.Jeffrey Beringer-Tiki Tiki Tembo
  12.Jody Kessler-Ballad of Chris and Pat
  13.Kinsey Sicks-Locked Out of the Chapel of Love
  14.LINDSAY-Jill plus Jill
  15.Lynn Deeves-Some of my best friends are straight
  16.Mark Mercer-Chapel of Love
  17.Peter Donnelly -Love With Me
  18.Puttymeg - Wed in San Francisco
  19.RENEE-My bride
  20.Roy Zimmerman-Defense of Marriage
  21.ROY-Never Getting Married
  22.RuPaul - Love is Love
  23.Russ Buchanan-Love Chantey
  24.Sarah Constable-Same-Sex Marriage
  25.Ten Percent Revue-Wedding Song
  26.The Accelerators - Straight Gay
  27.Tori Fixx -Marry Me
  28.Traci Adams - You Are Not God
  29.Tret Fure-The Wedding Song My Shoes
  30.Yolanda-You and I (Marry Me)
  1.Amerie - I'm Coming Out
  2.Amy Ray-Laramie
  3.Blues Brothers & Aretha Franklin - Respect
  4.Camp-Wet in shower
  5.Dave Bastien & Susan Van Ham-It's About Time
  6.Diana Ross - I'm Coming Out
  7.Doug Stevens & the Outband-Miracle In White
  8.Heather Lev-Matthew Shepard
  9.Kevin Allred-Maybe An Angel
  10.Leslie Cheung-Left and right hand
  11.Magmamix - No soy gay
  12.Marilyn Manson - Good Morning, Gay America
  13.Mark & Dean-How Many Candles
  14.Marvin Gay - Dont Worry Be Happy
  15.Maryann & Ron Sfarzo-I Do
  16.Pet Shop Boys - Go West
  17.Pet Shop Boys & Boy George - The Crying Game (PSB Remix) - Gay Disco
  18.Randi Driscoll - What Matters
  19.Rex Strother-Sneakin' in the Back Door of Love
  20.Sandler - Gay Football
  21.Scott Free-Battle Hymn of the Intolerant
  22.The Therapy Sisters-Holy Matrimony, Robin
  23.The Therapy Sisters-Tying the Knot in Vermont
  24.Yoko Ono - Everyman-Everywoman (Passengerz Gay Radio Edit)
  25.May Day - Embrace
  26.May Day - The looks of my love
  1.Anal Cunt-Windchimes Are Gay
  2.Bloodhound Gang - I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks
  3.Broken Social Scene - I'm Still Your Fag
  4.CARL BEAN - I Was Born This Way
  5.Colleen Sexton-Scarecrow
  6.David Sereda-Powerful Love
  7.Duran Duran - Sunrise (Queer Eye For The Straight Guy)
  8.Elton John - I Want Love
  9.The United - For Matthew Shepard
  10.Garbage - Queer
  11.Gay Classics When In Rome - The Promise (Tony Moran Mix)
  12.Greg Klyma-Human, Like You
  13.John Paul Young - Gay Time Rock 'N' Roll City
  14.Elton John - American Triangle(Live in Italy)
  15.Jonny Cash & David Allen Coe - Homo Truck Drivin
  16.Kathy with a K -All I Wanted
  17.King Missile - Detachable XXX
  18.Neophyte - Happy Is Voor Homo's Gabber
  19.Duran Duran - Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
  20.Elton John - Sacrifice
  21.Siniestro Total - Que tal homosexual
  22.Teresa Trull - Honest world
  23.THE MOVIDAS - Movimiento Gay
  24.Walter Mayes - Johnny Get Angry
  CD 6
  01. Siniestro Total - Homosexual De Por Si
  02. Barbara Cook - Forced to be Gay
  03. Charlie King - Tinky Winky
  04. Dannyboy - Castro Boy
  05. Dare 2B Dif'rnt - Please
  06. Darkroom-I'm A Man (Who Needs A Man)
  07. Deidre McCalla-if god only knew
  08. Elton John - Original Sin
  09. JANIS JOPLIN - I need a man
  10. John Davis & The Monster Orche - When It's Right For Love
  11. JP West - Jimmy Don't Need Me Anymore
  12. Lady Pank - Made in Homo
  13. Marseilles - What Makes A Man A Man
  14. Michael Dane - Let's Make Love
  15. Modern Rocketry - Homosexuality
  16. Music - Gay Dance Club Mixes
  17. Rent - I Love To Be Queer
  18. Sex O'Clock USA - You're My Man
  19. Elton John - American Triangle(Album Version)
  20. Elton John - Ballad of the Boy in the Red Shoes
  21. Teresa Trull - i'd like to make love to you
  22. Village People -In the Navy
  23. Village People - Macho Man
  24. Windy City Slickers -Drama Queen
  01. Chelonis & Jones - I don't know (remixes)
  02. Chemical Soldiers - Beautiful People (original)
  03. Didier Sinclair & Dj Chris Pi - Groove to me 2004 mix
  04. Dj Dusk - Something Especial
  05. Madoka - Distant Memories
  06. Castor & Pollux - Serenity (J.F.Sebastian mix)
  07. Akatishia vs Matthew Dekay - Time To Think (forward mix)
  08. Astrid Suryanto - Rainwater (victor calderone mix)
  09. Matthew Dekay - Move Yo!
  10. Juanjo Martin & Javi Reina - One of Thousand
  11. Matthew Dekay Band - Higher Thoughts
  12. Dimas pres D-Formation - Starstuff (the sundayprayers mix)
  13. Ken Laszlo - Hey Hey Guy
  14. Junior Jack feat R.Smith - Sa Hype (extended vocal version)
  15. Penn + Chus - Esperanza (original mix)
  16. DeepXpression - Tribal Heat
  17. Bass & Penn - Dancin'
  18. The Latin Soul Drivers - Fiebre
  19. Antoine Clamaran pres Colombia - Bogota
  20. Kurtis Mantronik pres Chamonix - How did you Know (original vocal)
  21. Roman Lieske - Capture at Mind (advanced mix)
  22. Dimas pres D-Formation - Sings & Portents (Chus & Ceballos iberican mix)
  23. Pacific 2 feat Anita Kelsey - Have 2B with U (Matthew Dekay rmx)
  24. D-Formation fes Xperimental Shop - Thrill (D-Formation mix)
  25. Sars - Overbooking (D-Formation rmx)
  01. Andy Monroe - Christmas memory
  02. Ani DiFranco - In and Out
  03. Catie Curtis - Elizabeth
  04. Chic - My Forbidden Lover
  05. Edie Carey - The middle
  06. Devo - Jocko Homo
  07. Fancy - Chinese eyes
  08. Fun Fun - Hit Mix
  09. Go Go Boys - Out in the bleak midwinter
  10. Happy Charles - Sittin' on Santa's lap
  11. Holly Near - Love don't need a reason
  12. Jill Sobule - I Kissed A Girl
  13. Kiss - Turn On The Night
  14. L Project - Catch Me (Gay Disco Mix)
  15. LaRissa - I do both Jay and Jane
  16. Laya Fisher - I Like Dick and Jane
  17. Monica Grant - My Boyfriend's Back
  18. Paul Lekakis - Boom Boom
  19. Paxton - Which Way Do You Go
  20. Right Said Fred - I'm Too Sexy
  21. Sweet - She's got girls
  22. Tom Robinson - More Lives Than One
  23. Tom Robinson - The Last Word
  24. Two Boys - Please Don't Go
  01. Valerie Clark & Janey Hall - Lesbian christmas
  02. Angie Gold - Eat You Up(I know you want it)
  03. Anne Engel - Song for America
  04. Carol Jiani - Hit 'n' Run Lover
  05. Celine Dion - Ziggy (A different boy Live in Paris)
  06. Doug Stevens Outband - out in the country
  07. Jonny McGovern Aka Gay Pimp - The Wrong Fag To F.uck With
  08. Grant King - Do you believe
  09. Herman's Hermits - This Door Swings Both Ways
  10. Hypnotic Clambake - Bisexual Military
  11. Ice Fran Vs Fun Fun -Color My Love(Gay Radio)
  12. Jan Tilley - You do not know me
  13. Leah Zicari - Glory glory(Gay Athem)
  14. Leah Zicari - Kiss That Boy
  15. Mark Islam - It just don't seem like christmas(without you)
  16. Mark Weigle - have i told you in the last 5 minutes
  17. Marvin Gaye - Sexual Healing
  18. Men2Men - Homo Jen Kev
  19. Peter Allen - Bicoastal
  20. Robbie Williams - John's gay
  21. Robbie Williams - Supreme
  22. Rose Laurens - American Love
  23. Tom McCormack - Called out of hiding
  24. Ziggy X -X-Rules (Original Mix)
  CD 10
  01. Village People - YMCA
  02. Calogero -Safe sex
  03. CherMale - Strong enough
  04. Classical Mozart - In the hall of the Mountain King (Gay Club)
  05. Elton John with KD Lang - Teardrops
  06. Gabrielle - Rise
  07. Gemboy - Happy Gays
  08. Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive
  09. Jack Lukeman - Boys & girls
  10. James Brown - Give It Up Or Turnit A Loose
  11. Janet Jackson - Tonight's The Night
  12. John Oszajca - Bisexual chick
  13. New York city Gay men's chorus - I Say a Little Prayer
  14. Peaches - I You she
  15. Peggy Hewett - Bisexual tango
  16. Peggy Scott - Bill
  17. Serge Gainsbourg - Ecce Homo
  18. Soft Cell - Tainted Love (Club Mix)
  19. Supernaut - I like it both ways
  20. Thomas Richardson - Bill goes both ways
  21. Janet Jackson - Together Again(A song for those who died of AIDS)
  22. Tom Robinson - Boy-girl
  23. Rupaul & Gitta - You're no lady
  24. Barbara Mason - Another man
  25. Martha Wash & RuPaul - Its Raining Men (Gay extended mix)
  26. Village People - YMCA (Techno Remix)
  01. Alphawezen - Gai Soleil (Gay Sky)
  02. Deborah Cox - Absolutely Not
  03. Donna Summer -I Feel Love
  04. Elton John VS Gayman - Don't Go Breaking my heart(Special Gay Edtion)
  05. Beenie Man - King Of The Dancehall
  06. King Street - So Many Men, So Little Time
  07. Kym Mazelle - Young Hearts Run Free
  08. Paul Oakenfold - Set me free
  09. RuPAUL -Looking Good Feeling Gorgeous
  10. Scissor Sisters - Filthy VS Gorgeous
  11. Yomanda - You're Free
  01. Anastacia -I'm Outta Love (Set me free)
  02. Barry White -Walking In The Rain
  03. Blur - Girls and Boys
  04. Catie Curtis - What's the matter
  05. Coming Out Crew - Free gay and happy
  06. David Sereda - Mark
  07. Depeche Mode - People Are People
  08. Grace Jones - In The Rain
  09. Incage - Precious Kind
  10. Jamie Anderson - Let us be your family
  11. Jose Angel - Madre,soy cristiano y homo sex
  12. Karramba - AIDS
  13. N'gai-N'gai - Pol petit
  14. Pointer Sisters - We Are Family
  15. Rivers - Bisexual
  16. Rubettes - Under One Roof
  17. RuPaul - Supermodel (You Better Work)
  18. Scissor Sisters - Return To Oz
  19. Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama Out
  20. Ted Fox - When We Were Friends
  21. Teddy Boys - He Only Goes Out With Boys
  22. The 411 - Teardrops
  23. The Producers - Keep It Gay
  24. Vanilla Fudge - You keep me hanging on
  25.The Hazards - Gay Boyfriend
  CD 13
  01.Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (2001 Club 69 Remix)
  02.Hannah Jones - No One Can Love You More Than Me (Stonebridge Club Mix)
  03.Da Buzz - Let Me Love You Tonight (Hex Hector Main Club Mix)
  04.Destiny Love - Call Me Tonight (Hollywood Almighty Mix)
  05.Jukka - True Faith (Almighty Remix)
  06.Galleon - So , I Begin (Almighty Mix)
  07.Whitney Houston - It's Not Right But It's Ok (Club 69 Future Mix)
  08.Dead Or Alive - You Spin My Head Round 2003 (Metro 12'' Club Remix)
  09.Abbacadabra - Mamma Mia (Almighty Definitive Mix)
  10.Michael Jackson - Thriller (Pedophilic Remix)
  01. Bananarama - I Heard A Rumour(About you and your boy)
  02. Coming Out Crew -Free, Gay & Happy (Coming Out Anthem)
  03. Coming Out Crew -Free, Gay & Happy(Album)
  04. Coming Out Crew -Free, Gay & Happy (Deep Throat Mix)
  05. Coming Out Crew -Free, Gay & Happy (Homo Erotic Dub Mix)
  06. Divine - I'm so beautiful(Gay Club Version)
  07. Herman's Hermits - No Milk Today (Original)
  08. Lime -Unexpected Lovers (Original)
  09. Lime -Unexpected Lovers (Radio Edit)
  10. Lime -Unexpected Lovers (Remix)
  11. Lime -Unexpected Lovers (Remix)
  12. Lime -Unexpected Lovers (Instrumental)
  13. Royal Gigolos - No Milk Today (Tek-house Remix)
  14. Soft Cell - Tainted love(Gay Zoo Remix)
  15. The Hazzards - Gay Boyfriend (Shanghai Surprise Remix)
  01. Adam Baum - I Know What Boys Like
  02. Amish Bungee Jumper - Lightsabre gay
  03. Bronski Beat - Smalltown boy
  04. Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy (Secret Service Rmx)
  05. Caliban Tiresias Darklock - Are You Gay?
  06. DJ Dabone - Bad Boy
  07. Holly Johnson - Legendary Children
  08. Jimmy Somerville & Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy (1991 Remix)
  09. JIROB - Gay Times
  10. Manuel Sanchez - Oh Happy Gay
  11. Jenny Fan - My Gay Best Friend
  12. Urban Folk Tales - Girlie Boy
  13. Paul - Coming Out of Hiding
  14. ROADKNIG - Masculine Women, Feminine Men
  15. Roxy Music -Jealous Gay
  16. Sandstorm vs Gotta - Keep on pumpin it up
  17. Threefiftyseven - Don't cry boy
  18. My Brain - Beatings A Go-Go
  CD 16
  01. Cowley And Sylvester - Men Energy(Menergy)
  02. Divine - My Native Love
  03. Eartha Kitt - Where Is My Man (2004 Remix)
  04. Eartha Kitt - Where is my man(Original)
  05. Eartha Kitt - This Is My Life
  06. EminemX and Elton JohnX - Gay as I am
  07. The Missing - Keep On Cruising
  08. Lime - Guilty Love
  09. Modern Rocketry - Homosexuality (Full Beat)
  10. Suede -The Drowners
  11. Taffy - I Love My Midnight Radio
  12. Tina Cousins - Forever
  01. Comedy - Disney goes gay
  02. Conflicting Plaid - Everybody Thinks William Shatner is gay
  03. Toni Basil vs Electric 6 - Mickey At The Gay Bar
  04. Eartha Kitt - Where is my man(Joe T Vannelli Attack Mix)
  05. Field Value - Big gay song
  06. Gigante - It's a Gay Gay Gay World
  07. Gloria Estefan - Coming out of the dark
  08. Ian Tanner - Going Gay
  09. John Corn - Happiness is Gay
  10. Latin Rose - Everybody is gay
  11. Sheryl Lee Ralph - In The Evening
  12. The Hi-Fi - The Gay Vacation
  13. The Sandral - You are Gay
  14. XRC - Gia ton gay Saravano
  01. Erasure - A Little Respect (Almighty Mix)
  02. Hannah Jones - Young Hearts Run Free (Almighty 2004 Disco Mix)
  03. Soft Cell - Tainted Love (Almighty Mix)
  04. Barbara Baldieri - Todo Lo Que Quiero (All I Want) (Almighty Full Vocal Mix)
  05. The Promise - When In Rome (Tony Moran Mix)
  06. Dina Carroll - Ain't No Man (Almighty Full Mix)
  07. Pepe Deluxe - Big Muff (Original Mix)
  08. Barbara Pennington - 24 Hours A Day (Almighty Definitive Mix )
  09. Rupaul - Looking Good, Feeling Gorgeous (Gomi Mix)
  10. Diana Ross & The Supremes - You Keep Me Hangin' On (Almighty 2004 Remix)
  11. Koda Kumi - Trust Your Love (Thunderpuss Mix)
  01. Alix Dobkin - Every women can be a lesbian
  02. Alix Dobkin - my lesbian wars
  03. Bootlickers - sure of you
  04. Coyote Shivers - Bisexual Girl
  05. David Hallyday - he's my girl
  06. Deidre McCalla - Girl,would you like to dance
  07. Filter - Hey Man Nice Shot
  08. Levi Kreis - Queer Boy
  09. Lisa Jackson - fabulously done
  10. Romanovsky & Phillips - False hope
  11. The Fabulous Dyketones - Our lesbian theme
  12. TMCM - Gay sex gay Love
  13. Tom McCormack - stigmata
  14. Tori Fixx - FaQue
  15. Undercover SKA - my girl became a dude
  16. When In Rome - The Promise
  01. Alix Dobkin - Lesbian code
  02. Amy Simpson - Circumstances strange
  03. Amy Simpson - the end
  04. Brad Whitaker - my leviticus
  05. BZ - Everyday I love you
  06. Cam Clarke - Palamino road
  07. Cam Clarke - Son of a preacher man
  08. Debbie Shapiro - lesbian, butch, dyke
  09. Gerrard Wagner - who have you loved today
  10. Gwen Avery - sugar mama
  11. Bobby O - I'm So Hot 4 U
  12. Jim Caruso - boy from fire island
  13. Martin Swinger - You baby two
  14. Eddy Huntington - Meet My Friend(called dick)
  15. Stephanie Mills - I Never Knew Love Like This Before
  16. Boney M - Rasputin(My Babylon Boy)
  17. Hazell Dean - Searching for man
  18. Divine - Shoot your Shot
  19. Cerrone - Super Nature
  20. Tab Hunter - ninety-nine ways
  21. Ken Laszlo - Tonight
  22. Bananarama - Venus
  23. Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round
  24. Divine - You Think You're A Man
  25. Modern Talking - You're My Heart(You're My Soul)


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