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[原创]10佳地下唱片之一殉难 - 异教赞美诗

2003-08-13 09:06:51   来自: 简明欧
  [watermark]2002年10佳地下唱片之一MartyrdoM(殉难) - Pagan's Hymn(异教赞美诗)

    偶然认识了某个正在地下默默无名挣扎着的乐队主唱阿太,从他那边开始很浅显的接触一些"原始黑金"(Primitive black metal).主唱压抑愤怒的嘶吼,嘈杂混乱的背景吉他声,我对于这种仅仅充斥着类似怪物狂叫的音乐一直是嗤之以鼻的.阿太教导说原始黑金讲究的就是速度.总之我就是对于这种主唱吼两声糊弄人的音乐就是不感冒.某年某月某日在极端上看到殉难的这张专辑,冲着国内第一张地下黑暗金属的招牌而且限量发行3000张,顿时让我热血沸腾.买了,听了,只一两首,大呼,什么鬼东西,垃圾.顿时觉得接电话大赞Pagan's Hymn的编辑在欺骗劳动人民的感情.Pagan's Hymn自然丢在了一旁.某年某月某日某君不泄努力有发了首原始黑金给我,同样某人的惨叫声响起,叽里咕噜也不道唱什么(估计是为了追求味道纯正采用的是英文歌词),直到2分三十一秒的时候突然静了下来,一段吉他 solo响起,经典,不禁让我怀疑是哪部韩剧的插曲,如此的静谧和详和.三分四十秒,耳边再次回响起汹涌尖锐的吉他声以及沉重的鼓机声.仿佛刚才的是我的幻听.原来这首就是让我丢弃的Pagan's Hymn的第五首曲子
     <转载>1第五首《against the wind》中又在金属的淡出时出现原声吉他,比《throne and betryal》的原声味道好,但是略嫌长了一些,或者如果在背景中加一些风雪声也许会更有意境,另外,接金属的地方比较突兀。<转载>2在部分作品中出现了原始吉他的分解段落,不过我不喜欢这样的东西,它的出现并没有给整体带来很好的效果
      看的出来两位乐评者就是对于against tne wind中间突然出现的吉他solo持否定的态度.其实音乐这种东西最能体现"萝卜青菜各有所好",我更喜欢清亮的原始吉他声,在我看来这才识闪光点.可是对于极端金属的支持者就是个败笔.究竟如何,还是试听一下吧
  下载(直接点击或者flashget都可以,好不容易从flashget的历史资料翻出来的,谢我吧.)URL http://www.underfm.com.cn/dyingart/chinese/discography/MARTYRDOM-Against%20the%20Wind%20.ram
          [fly]FROM LArcsakura简明欧[/fly][/watermark]

2003-08-13 23:58:24  活着还 (北京)


2003-08-14 22:10:03  简明欧


2003-08-14 22:47:15  活着还 (北京)


2003-08-14 23:05:31  简明欧


2003-08-20 18:09:59  graveland

  那个叫简明欧的,我想问问你,你知道什么叫黑金属吗?你知道什么是Primitive black metal什么是Raw black metal吗?其实喜欢不喜欢是个人的事,极端金属本来喜欢的人就不多,不过因为听不懂所以不喜欢和乐队的音乐好坏是两码事这点起码的道理你该明白吧??
  说说你的评论,“直到2分三十一秒的时候突然静了下来,一段吉他 solo响起,经典,不禁让我怀疑是哪部韩剧的插曲”我到想问问,让您想起哪部大片了?也把音频放上来我听听,让我感受感受韩国偶像剧配乐什么时候能暗合斯堪地那维亚的渎神怒火了,再有你转的metalfan他们对MartyrdoM那段木吉他的分析,完全是断章取义,整个评价你看完了吗就忙着先给自己找论据
  1. cruel morning
  without light
  I am waiting for the dawn
  my life is fading in the dark
  cravans of ignorance are praying on their knees
  but my wrath is burning like hell, towards the sky
  in the darkness of eclipse
  the lies must be terminated
  I will revenge
  many years passed
  before a new eclipse comes
  nine stars rank in line
  sound of inferno will call my name
  bloody bible will turn into ashes
  I will be born again
  end in blaze
  maybe my soul will wander
  I know I will never see the dawn of next morning
  journey of chaos has begun
  seems that time has been frozen
  when my mind
  stepped into the entrance of inferno
  where is the place should I go
  sound of hell
  leading my way
  to the place I was born
  on the cross
  dawn will never come
  bury my past
  in the weep of tomorrow
  2. raging sea
  the voice was from the deep of the unknown continent
  it is where the souls were summoned
  following the call
  they started the journey
  cravens will be banished
  without returning forever
  in the raging waves of the ocean
  billows seems to touch the heaven
  they sailed into the raging sea
  little boat floated as a leaf
  maybe it would overturn anytime
  but the storm
  sent their resounding yell
  in the journey
  they passed the mist
  power was charging
  leviathan was killed
  faramita was present to their sight
  3. thorns and betryal
  all over the ground of the road,thorns
  stab through into the skin,keen
  crags are standing at the sides of abyss
  go through the path,no other way
  a fork road appears suddenly
  towards the garden of beauty
  through the clouds ray of light was shining
  flat on one side,sweet voice was calling
  aside of the fork road
  headless path way still
  it was much more rought
  all over the ground thrones
  footpath is just only two feet
  they have to walk one by one
  abyss lay beside
  ten thousand deep without seeing the fundus
  someone refused to go forward
  betray their belief enter the garden
  stay there forever
  stop passing the layers of purgatory
  left other know that
  another path must be heading the exit
  although the cliff seems dangerous
  but they must pass the way
  who entered the garden soon found
  beautiful pictures suddenly disappeared
  force throw them into the void of unknown,they can't dispute
  they paid for their recreance
  they were punished for their defection
  men on the cliff speeling hard
  rocks breaking off from the cliff
  cliff is steeper and steeper
  they climb higher and higher
  4.thousand suns
  the most difficult trip they faced
  the earth was burning in blazes
  just like thousand suns
  even steel would be melted
  just like our arch enemy
  storms he breathed and thunders he took
  he could scatter the dazzling glare
  beat your eyes blind
  they seemed different like before
  hearing the voice from the elder
  telling them their mortal bodies
  couldn't defend the inferno fire
  just like natural force of the mortals
  couldn't defend the power of divinity
  you will never be favored with power of wonder
  the true power was from yourselves
  when you believe you have already got the true power
  the dooms day of your enemies had come
  they had grown up and became warriors
  gathered at here
  under the aflutter banners
  adjuring by the name of blood and swords
  enemies would never know what peace is
  5. against the wind
  in the far far forever frozen land
  mountains look like castle in the air
  cold but bright
  horse runs against the wind
  though the plate and the iced lake
  sparkling aurora enlightens the land
  instantly immerge and disappear
  as if the remote regnant thearchy of antiquity
  are standing in the easten sky
  in the dance of blizzard
  I am walking along in the forest
  Ice and snow buried the pantheon
  the storm has stopped
  it is snowing still
  forest lies in silence
  once in a while I hear the branches' sound
  stepping into the hall
  aurora flares again
  here is where the elder spirit of martyrs dewell
  I offered my blood and my sincere heart
  please wake again for me
  6. hatred
  after many years
  time came to have the final battle 
  in the human nature
  flames of the castles began to burn
  defending works fell apart one by one
  warrior defend their glory with blood
  conflagate fight with animosity
  slay my enemies on mother land
  loud and clear clarion began to blow
  drum of battle is convulsing three kindom of heaven and earth and oceans
  7. pagan's hymn
  riding on the wind
  spirits of holy mountains were blessing me
  son of northern gods
  born for vengeance
  i came from the shore of sulphur lake in hell
  i came from the glaciers in deep frozen polar nights
  on top of mountain
  spear point towards welkin
  flash of the blade
  dazzled like lightening
  silence was broken
  warriors rushed into the palace
  in weald
  begins to attack the escorts of the king
  steel of my sword
  sounds like roaring thunder
  it bears the sign of pride
  that is the colour of your floating blood
  i am charging my force
  crazy as wolves
  i stepped on their corpse
  pride as lions
  mighty thunders were stained with my hate
  the cruel enemy
  was recalcitrating in despair
  he saw his termination in his true nightmare
  gallop in battle,my steed
  broken body of enemies it oversteped
  sword of doom was
  beheading thou skulls   
  in the suffocating fog
  a steed rushing out
  beasts hauling chariot
  viper spraying venom,dragon breathing fire
  they tried hard to stop our attack
  but finally killed by my hand
  i saw the last defender
  i was also caught in his sight
  i saw his arrow was aiming
  and he must be slain by my sword
  before he impale me with his cursed arrow
  at the time of lethal
  world instantly stopped
  after the mighty clash
  a skull fell on the ground
  calorific blood covered me
  i don't know whether my heart is beating
  i look up to the bluish green vault of heaven
  cloud turned to red
  suddenly i memorized many years ago
  the dawn never come at that time

2003-08-20 18:19:24  活着还 (北京)


2003-08-20 18:23:34  graveland


2003-08-20 19:18:42  活着还 (北京)



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