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2007-01-31 10:01:30   来自: 老猪 (暫住中國)
  CyBorg Produzioni present:
    Film Festival
  short film competition and new territories
  art director Luisella Chiribini
  the 6th of June to the 10th of June 2007
  Sala Audiovisivi Piazza del Popolo,12
  Anghiari (ar) ITALIA
  Provincia di Arezzo
  Ass. alle Politiche Giovanili
  Comunità Montana Valtiberina Toscana
  Assessorato alla Cultura
  Comune di Anghiari
  Ass.Politiche Giovanili Beni e Attività Culturali
  international contact:
  Maia Francini +39 339 2838933
                              Luisella Chiribini + 39 347 5635174

2007-01-31 18:01:53  老猪 (暫住中國)

  Art. 1 The second edition of Cyborg Film Festival is opening.
  A competition of short films and new territories - an international manifestation that will take place in Anghiari from the 6th of June to the 10th of June 2007.
  The project that is in progress proposes promoting, informing, spreading and educating the cinematographic image by creating a window to exchange and compare the creative and productive differences of audio –visual languages.
  Art. 2 Films of any type and style are admitted to the competition. Only works produced from the 1st of January 2002 are admitted. The competition is international and there are no restrictions as to nationality, age or profession
  Art. 3 The short film competition is divided in 3 competitive sections .
  1)sci-fi: reserved for short films inspired by the theme: “science fiction” and 
           variations of the theme.
    2) anime: reserved for animated works made with any free theme technique.
    3) behind the scenes: back stage and/or the making of any free theme work.
  Art. 4 Each author must assume responsibility for the information given and the contents of the works presented, as well as the circulation of non-original music protected by copyright and original music and/or images.
  Art. 5 The works must be accompanied by the registration form and a copy of this regulation form signed for acceptance. International works must be in the Italian language or sub-titled in the Italian language. Send any photos of scenes (at least 2) and/or of the director and/or images of the film in b/w or color by cd rom or dvd enclosed in the packet or by e-mail: info@cyborgproduzioni.org.
  Enclose any promotional material in the packet.
  Art. 6 The works must arrive in DVD format, by priority mail or registered letter AR to the following address:
  CyBorg Produzioni
  c/o Luisella Chiribini
  Via Ponte dei Sospiri, 10
  52031 Anghiari (ar) Italia
  by the 20th of April 2007. Mailing costs (customs) and the cost of making the short film are at the expense of the participants.
  Art.7 Works sent will not be returned. The works can be used by the management of .CyB.FF even after the manifestation, for non-profit cultural purposes and initiatives only. The works can be included free of charge (for 20% of the work’s length) in news programs and television features.
  Art. 8 The prizes will be awarded to the 1st classified in each competitive section. The prizes will be defined and published together with the presentation of the program.
  Art. 9 The following tasks are assigned to the qualified jury, that will be appointed by the Management of .CyB.FF:
   -  selecting works to be admitted to the final stage of the festival.
  -indicating the winners of the prizes to be awarded in the programming.
  -recommending the works considered particularly worthy.
  The jury’s opinion is unquestionable and cannot be appealed.
  Art. 10 The Management of .CyB.FF reserves the right to conduct a pre-selection of the works that arrive (in the case it’s a high number) and to make a final decision in identifying the works to be submitted to the Jury’s examination.
  Art. 11 The Management of .CyB.FF, although undertaking to adopt all forms of precaution, doesn’t assume the responsibility of any theft, loss or damage of the works used.
  Art. 12 Participation in the festival means total acceptance of the present regulations. The Management reserves the right to suspend or change the manifestation if they deem it necessary, in that the management of .CyB.FF. decides anything not specifically stated in the regulations.
  SECTION (mark the section you want to compete in)
  no limit: 1………………………..2…………………………….3……………………………
  DIRECTED BY…………………………………………………………………………………..
  WRITTEN BY…………………………………………………… ……………………………..
  BIOFILMOGRAPHY OF THE AUTHOR ………………………………………………………………………….
  AREA CODE…………………CITY……………………………………..PROVINCE………………………………….
  PHONE………………………………………...CELL. PHONE……………………………………………………………
  I authorize the use of my personal data for any purpose connected to the manifestation. I declare I have read the regulations of the competition and that I accept the contents. According to the law art. 13 of d.lgs 196 of 30th-06-2003, we communicate that personal data will be used lawfully and correctly.Declaration of acceptance of the regulations and consequent discharge.
  DATE ……………………………………………………………………………….SIGNATURE………………………………………………………………………………..


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