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DV影片的中国先锋们The Chinese Pioneers of DV

2005-07-29 15:02:34   来自: 33duo
  7月27日星期三27th July Wednesday 
  下午pm 14:15 / 晚上pm 18:45 
  West of Tracks 1: Rust, documentary,240’  
  字幕:英文subtitle: English  
  7月28日星期四28th July Thursday 
  下午pm 14:15 / 晚上pm 18:45 
  West of Tracks 2: Remnants, documentary,210’ 
  字幕:英文subtitle: English  
  7月29日星期五29th July Friday 
  下午pm 14:15 / 晚上pm 18:45 
  West of Tracks 3: Rails, documentary,90’ 
  字幕:英文subtitle: English 
  7月30日星期六30th July Saturday 
  下午pm 14:15 / 晚上pm 18:45 
  Dance Me to The End of Love, Documentary, 30 
  Love Will Tear Us Apart, Fiction film, 109’  
  7月31日星期日31st July Sunday 
  下午pm 14:15  
  导演交流The director will give a talk after screening 
  / 晚上pm 18:45 
  All Tomorrow’s Parties, fiction film, 96’ 
  Cardboard House, MV, 3’ 
  8月3日星期三3rd August Wednesday 
  下午pm 14:15 / 晚上pm 18:45 
  Tie Xi Qu:West of Tracks 1, documentary,240’  
  字幕:英文subtitle: English 
  8月4日星期四4th August Thursday 
  下午pm 14:15 / 晚上pm 18:45 
  Tie Xi Qu:West of Tracks 2, documentary,210’ 
  字幕:英文subtitle: English 
  8月5日星期五5th August Friday 
  下午pm 14:15 / 晚上pm 18:45 
  Tie Xi Qu:West of Tracks 3, documentary,90’ 
  字幕:英文subtitle: English 
  8月6日星期六6th August Saturday 
  下午pm 14:15 / 
  AISFF_Traveling Cinema in Beijing 
  I AISFF2004竞赛获奖 
  I want to invite you 我想邀请你 9` Kim A-young Korea 
  Feel So Good 感觉真好 36` Lee Kkyoung-mi 
  Papa 爸爸 21` 无对白 Hong Sung-hyuk 
  Exoticore 异域风情 27` Nicolas Provost Belgium 
  Craven Tiger 大虎子 ! 撤! 15` Florence Hung, Amos Lee Hongkong 
  Sars In Beijing 西站非典 14` Wang Shi Qing China 
  The Silent Manistone 静静的嘛呢石 29.3` Wanmacaidan Tibet/China 
  II Made in Seoul首尔(汉城)制造 
  Fingerprint 手印 21:20 Cho Gyu-oak 
  A region of the shade 阴暗面 10:30 无对白 Jung Byung-mok 
  Aquarium 鱼缸 17` Kwon Sung-hyun 
  The Debtor 债务人 23` Woo Won-suk 
  Aesthetica 002 美学002 6:12 无对白 Song Joo-myung 
  Narrow & chilled 狭窄与冰冷 27\' Kang Kyu-hun 
  Total 191\'32\" 
  晚上pm 18:45 
  Days of Being Little Kings, fiction film, 80’, 
  字幕:中文subtitle: Chinese 
  8月7日星期日7th August Sunday 
  下午pm 14:15 
  AISFF_Traveling Cinema in Beijing 
  I AISFF2004竞赛获奖 
  I want to invite you 我想邀请你 9:00 Kim A-young Korea 
  Feel So Good 感觉真好 36:00:00 Lee Kkyoung-mi 
  Papa 爸爸 21:00 无对白 Hong Sung-hyuk 
  Exoticore 异域风情 27 Nicolas Provost Belgium 
  Craven Tiger 大虎子 ! 撤! 15 Florence Hung, Amos Lee Hongkong 
  Sars In Beijing 西站非典 14 Wang Shi Qing China 
  The Silent Manistone 静静的嘛呢石 29.3 Wanmacaidan Tibet/China 
  II Made in Seoul首尔(汉城)制造 
  Fingerprint 手印 21:20 Cho Gyu-oak 
  A region of the shade 阴暗面 10:30 无对白 Jung Byung-mok 
  Aquarium 鱼缸 17:00 Kwon Sung-hyun 
  The Debtor 债务人 23:00 Woo Won-suk 
  Aesthetica 002 美学002 6:12 无对白 Song Joo-myung 
  Narrow & chilled 狭窄与冰冷 27\' Kang Kyu-hun 
  Total 191\'32\" 
  晚上pm 18:45 
  《北京 北京》,纪录片,52分钟,字幕:中文 
  Beijing Beijing, documentary, 52’, subtitle: Chinese 
  Jiayu Pass, live art video, 38’ 
  字幕:中文/ 英文subtitle: Chinese/ English 
  13391953570 (中文Chinese) / 13701083673 (英文English) , eshuyang@gmail, comservice@fanhall.com网站Web:
  www.fanhall.com, www.sohoxiaobao.com(艺术播报)
  3rd Floor, SOHO Club, Building D, SOHO New Town, No.88 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 
  门票ticket:¥20,学生凭证半票student card half price 
  DV影片的中国先锋们The Chinese Pioneers of DV 
  2002年 “葡萄牙里斯本纪录片电影节”大奖/ 2003年 “法国马赛纪录片电影节”大奖/ 2003年“日本山形国际纪录片电影节”弗拉哈迪大奖/ 2003年“法国南特电影节”纪录片单元大奖/ 2004 年 “加拿大蒙特利尔电影节”纪录片单元奖/ 2005年 “墨西哥国际现代电影节”纪录片单元大奖 
  Tie Xi Qu:West of Tracks, director: Wang Bing 
  documentary, 1999-2003 
  Part 1: Rust, 240’  
  Part 2 : Remnants:, 210’ 
  Part 3: Rails, 90’ 
  Grand prize, Lisbon International Documentary Film 2002/ Grand prize, Marseilles Documentary Film Festival 2003/ Grand prize, Yamagata Documentary Film Festival 2003/ Grand prize of documentary film, Nantes Film Festival, 2003/ Grand prize of documentary film, Montreal Film Festival 2004/ Grand prize of documentary film, Mexico International Modern Film Festival 2005 
  余力为专辑Special Screening of Yu Likwai 
  Dance Me to The End of Love, director: Yu Likwai  
  documentary, 30, 2003 
  Love Will Tear Us Apart, director: Yu Likwai 
  fiction film, 109’, 1999 
  All Tomorrow’s Parties, director: Yu Likwai 
  fiction film, 96, 2003 
  Cardboard House, director: Yu Likwai, MV, 3’, 2004 
  Yu Likwai, Well-known Chinese director and photographer whose first two fiction feature film LOVE WILL TEAR US APART and ALL TOMORROW’S PARTIES both selected for the Cannes International Film Festival in competition and Un Certain Regards. He also got his name as a cinematographer for some famous film like Xiao Wu, Platform, Unknown Pleasure, the World by Jia Zhangke and In the Mood for Love by Kai Wai Wong. 
  电影现象Film Fanhall 
  Days of Being Little Kings, director: Zhang Zhonghua 
  fiction film, 80’, subtitle: Chinese, 2005 
  DV影片的中国先锋们05’ The Chinese Pioneers of DV 
  《北京 北京》,导演:盛海 
  2003年瑞典电视AB台/ 2004年法国蒙特卡罗URTI大奖 
  Beijing Beijing, director: Henri Seng 
  documentary, 52’, subtitle: Chinese, 2003 
  Swedish Television AB 2003 / URTI Grand Prix, Monte-Carlo, France 2004 
  After eight years in Sweden, director Henri Seng returned to his native country – China where he recorded his debut documentary film, Beijing, Beijing. This is a film about three avant-garde artists living in Beijing – a violently expanding mega city. Despite the individual differences, they have all chosen to express themselves through art. In this film we meet Zhu Ming, Hè Chengyao and Zhang Dali.  
  Jiayu Pass, artist: Yang Zhichao 
  live art video, 38’, subtitle: Chinese/English, 2000 
  The artist was sent to the male ward of Psychiatry Department as a patient for 1 month.

2005-07-29 23:09:08  33duo

  地点:SOHO现代城D座会所三层 电影院--映馆

2005-07-29 23:24:12  老猪 (暫住中國)


2005-07-30 22:38:24  33duo



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