
A Retrospective of Zhao Dayong
組織Organizer:現象工作室Fanhall Films
策劃Curator:朱日坤Zhu Rikun
【南京路】Street Life
【癈城】Ghost Town
【下流詩歌】 Rough Poetry
【家園】My Father’s House
【尋歡作樂】High Life
【鬼日子】Shadow Days
【一個說不】One Says No
特別首映Special Premieres:
開幕短片Opening:【綠皮火車】The Green Train
閉幕長片Closing:【安魂之地】The Blessed Land
我計畫做一個關於趙大勇的電影回顧展的直接原因跟紐約州的五指湖環境電影節(Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival)相關。2019年這個電影節上有我的一個電影節回顧單元。我很喜歡這個小型但是充滿前鋒氣息和討論氛圍的影展。影展結束後,策展人Patrict Zimmermann和Thomas Sherovy問我有什麼合適的中國導演可以推薦的時候,推薦了大勇。今年電影節選了大勇的兩部影片;因為影展的同時選了我幫紐約一個新導演剪輯的紀錄片作為閉幕放映,我本來也計畫去參加影展並參與討大勇作品的討論。就在影展前夕,新冠疫情在美國蔓延,這個電影節的活動也被迫取消。
7月26日星期天 9:00pm ~10:00pm
開幕:專題介紹 /《綠皮火車》(13分鐘)放映 / 問答,
8月2日星期天 8:00pm~10pm
8月8日星期六 10:00pm~11:00pm
開幕/閉幕討論Meeting ID會議號: 993 650 2135
Password密碼: fanhall
【南京路】Street Life
【癈城】Ghost Town
【下流詩歌】 Rough Poetry
【家園】My Father’s House
【尋歡作樂】High Life
【鬼日子】Shadow Days
【一個說不】One Says No
【綠皮火車】The Green Train(免費Free)
【安魂之地】The Blessed Land
(或:Youtube上的固定時段的免費鏈接 https://youtu.be/wVvS_2Iz7t0)
Film Info
Street Life
98 min / 2006 / Documentary
他们来自全国各地,没真实的姓名、没有真实的社会关系,他们用家乡的地名来称呼自己。他们以捡垃圾、偷东西、要饭、卖唱为生。这一群游走于社会边缘人群,他们聚集在上海南京路的各个巷口.黑皮跟朋友借了几百块钱开始收售瓶子生意。 有一天搭档将收瓶子的全部货款跑了。从此欠下债务无法偿还,借酒消愁几经酒后闹事被拘留。
Nanjing Road is a place of brilliance and amusement in a city dazzling with China’s surging economic growth. But in the back streets, migrants are busy scrounging in the garbage bins, through rubbish left behind by the bustling crowds, to make ends meet. In order to better understand this city, we should begin by looking at their lives.
Vienna International Film Festival 2006
Yunfest Documentary Film Festival 2006
Documentary Film Festival China 2007
Jury’s Prize
中國紀錄片交流周 評委會獎
Asicita Rome Asian Film Festival 2007
Rome City Award
羅馬亞洲影展 羅馬城市獎
Cologne International Film Festival 2008
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2011
Ghost Town
169 min / 2008 / Documentary
十二岁的阿龙独自一人生活。他每天与伙伴们一起去干活赚钱一起抓鸟游玩 ,有时去信鬼有时信基督。无拘无束的活着。
Zhiziluo is a ghost town full of life.
Lisu and Nu minority villagers squat in the abandoned halls of this remote former communist county seat, where Cultural Revolution slogans fade into the shadows of the old city hall, and a blank white figure of Chairman Mao gazes out silently to the wild mountain wilderness of the Salween River Valley in China’s southwest Yunnan province.
The film is arranged into three sections:voices, recollections and innocence. Each deals with various aspects of the lives of the Nu and Lisu occupants of this ghost town.
“Innocence”tells the story of Yuehan, the pastor of the local Christian church, and his 87 year-old father, John the Elder, a formerly jailed Lisu pastor who was among the first to study with Western missionaries before they were expelled by the Communist Party in 1957. “Innocence” reveals both the personal rift between Yuehan and his father as well as questions over the past and future of the church.
“Recollections” is a story about two young lovers faced with substantial cultural and economic obstacles. The young man, Pu Biqiu, must decide whether to leave Zhiziluo for brighter prospects in the city, and his girlfriend faces the possibility of being sold by her father into marriage on China’s wealthier east coast to help the family with its financial woes.
“Innocence”is the story of 12 year-old Lisu boy Ah Long, who lives alone in the ghost town and idles his days away with youthful games. After playing with the ghosts of Lisu tradition (the boys revel in a traditional Lisu excorcism), Ah Long hurries off to church.
Documentary Film Festival China 2008
Independent Spirit Award
中國紀錄片交流週 獨立精神獎
China Independent Film Festival 2007
Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2007
New York International Film Festival 2009
Turin International Film Festival 2009
ContemporAsian – MoMa 2010
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2011
Flaherty Seminar
Rough Poetry
50 min / 2010 /
A policeman is shut in a cage, together with some guys
He pontificates, as well as has them read out his poems…
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2011
Vancouver International Film Festival 2011
Beijing Independent Film Festival 2011
The High Life
91’28’’ / 2010 / Fiction
“I wear a condom when I write my poetry” . . . Dian Qiu, a policeman working as a guard in a Guangzhou prison is also an aspiring poet. He writes “trash poetry” as a means of liberating his spirit, and forces his prisoners to read the verses out loud in a desperate and cruel bid for meaning.
In a crowded village slum across town, a scam artist named Jian Ming sets up a fake employment agency, hoodwinking new arrivals from the countryside. His girlfriend, a mistress kept by a wealthier patron, pleads with him to run away with her. Instead, hoping instant success can cure his sense of aimlessness and failure, he hooks up with a pyramid scheme. In this southern city in which power and money have sullied every corner of life, Jian Ming can find meaning only in the daily Chinese opera routine he performs on his rooftop.
Hong Kong International Film Festival 2010
China Independent Film Festival 2010
Beijing Independent Film Festival 201
Nante – Three Continents International Film Festival 2010
Vancouver International Film Festival 2010
International Filmfestival Mannheim-Heidelberg 2010
San Francisco International Film Festival 2011
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2011
My Father’s House
77 min / 2011 / Documentary
My Father\'s House explores the dynamics of the growing African community in the booming Chinese metropolis of Guangzhou through the troubled story of an underground African missionary church.
After experiencing a revelation in his native Nigeria that urges him to take the word of God to China, Pastor Daniel Michael Enyeribe joins a wave of African migrants to the booming merchant community in Guangzhou. There he establishes the Royal Victory Church, which serves as a seminary and worship center for Guangzhou\'s growing community of African traders. But after the church is raided by Chinese police enforcing strict laws on religious practice and missionary work, Pastor Daniel must seek refuge in neighboring Hong Kong, where he guides his congregation, and the building of a sprawling new church facility, with the aid of video conferencing. Pastor Ignatius, known by the nickname \"I.G.,\" takes on responsibility for the daily management of the church in Pastor Daniel\'s absence, struggling to support his Chinese wife and their young child.
International Film Festival Rotterdam 2011
鹿特丹國際電影節 2011
Shadow Days
96 min / 2014 / Fiction
Liang Renwei and his pregnant girlfriend, Pomegranate, leave a shady past in the city behind and return to the remote mountain town of Renwei\'s childhood. The couple\'s plan is to remain until the child is born and then see what new opportunity arises. The mayor of the mostly deserted town is Renwei\'s uncle, whose most pressing priority is meeting the One-Child Policy quotas set by his Communist Party superiors. When the chairwoman of the local women\'s federation mentions over a card game that the family planning team is short-handed, Renwei\'s uncle urges him to pitch in and make a bit of extra money. Renwei takes to the job with alacrity, finding cruel and creative ways to round up women for forced abortions. Before long the team reaches its quota.
The days drift by. Pomegranate tires of the empty rooms, and she begins to glimpse faceless ghosts of the past lurking in the corners.
Late one night Uncle steps out to relieve himself and is touched by a tiny spirit in the darkness. His health deteriorates and the locals spurn him, fearing the taint of his presence. Uncle turns to a local shaman, who performs an ancient exorcism ritual and determines that the tiny spirit abides on the west side -- in the direction of Pomegranate\'s room.
And so Uncle\'s haunting plot unfolds.
Berlinale – Youth Forum – Opening Film 2014
Hong Kong International Film Festival 2014
Special Mention
香港國際電影節 特別提名
Tokyo FILMeX 2014
Special Mention
東京FILMeX 特別提名
BFI London Film Festival 2014
Brazil International Film Festival 2014
Warsaw International Film Festival 2014
One Says No
97‘ / 2019 / Documentary
Yangji Village is a century-old village located in the center of Guangzhou, and is where Azhong\'s home is located. In 2009, the authorities begin the forced relocation of all villagers in the name of urban transformation. After several stand-offs the residents are eventually compelled to compromise and accept unfair terms imposed by the government. One villager by the name of Li Jie does not get fair treatment, and plunges to her death from the top of her building. Yet Azhong decides to fight on, and ensure that so long as he remains, so does his home. From then on he never leaves the house. He barricades every floor and is ready to fight off the underworld ruffians hired by developers. In the blink of an eye, the once densely built-up village is demolished, Azhong\'s home the sole building left standing. At this time he and his family have been battling for more than a year. The government has lost patience negotiating with him, and besides cutting off the water and electricity, has sent underworld thugs to create disturbance and damage his home in the middle of the night. Azhong has to stay up every night to fight them off. During the day he makes bombs which he sets in every room as well as at the entrance, and keeps the detonator with him at all times. The cutting off of water and electricity makes the life of the family ever more difficult, and Azhong at last decides to let his wife and children move away, and keeps his guard alone. His 7-year-old son finds an old camera in one of the rooms, and starts taking pictures of the house every day to preserve his memory.
The Blessed Land
97’ / 2020 / Fiction
Ban Kang is the son of a villager. Even though everyone his age are leaving to go to the city, Ban Kang seems to have for only future his herd, his pastures and the mountains. Life could have been sweeter if Tongong had agreed to marry him but unfortunately she refused. On a drunken chinese new year\'s eve, a tragedy occurs.
Ban Kang, guilt-laden, runs away from the mountain and falls into endless pain.
The Green Train
13‘ / 2020