David Bordwell一般译作大卫波德维尔,是电影理论界(是很“实在”的理论)的重要人物,一直喜欢看他写的东西,不知道他的博客地址是?

2010-10-14 17:04:08 杨城

2010-10-14 17:27:43 zbb00100 (北京)
Rumination on ruination
Ruiz understands that modernist narrative techniques, including unreliable narrators and fancy time-switches, depend upon a long tradition in at least two ways. First, very often the tradition got there first; scholars like Meir Sternberg and Robert Alter have demonstrated complex plays with chronology and point of view in the Bible and the Greek classics. Secondly, unusual plot structures may ring unexpected variations on more conventional ones. Case in point: reversed plot sequence.
Again, this seems to be something of a modern trend. The locus classicus appears to be Harold Pinter’s 1978 play Betrayal, in which, scene by scene, the plot proceeds in reverse chronology. This was filmed in 1983 and gave birth to a famous Seinfeld episode. As you know, Memento, Irreversible, and other recent films have taken up reverse-chronology plotting. Actually, however, there are several earlier instances, notably the 1934 Kaufman and Hart play Merrily We Roll Along (turned into a musical by Stephen Sondheim) and W. R. Burnett’s 1934 novel, Goodbye to the Past. Other examples, some going back quite far, are listed here.
Rumination, a film by Xu Ruotao in the Dragons & Tigers young directors competition at Vancouver, turns the structure to political ends. Reduced to the bare bones, the film shows a teacher, his wife, and their son caught up in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The father falls in with a gang of Red Guard youths rampaging through the countryside. The son trails the gang at a distance and occasionally interferes with their acts of violence. These story events are arranged in blocks, with each cluster of scenes associated with a specific year. The blocks proceed backward in time, from 1976 to 1966. After a prologue, the film shows scenes of the waning of the Revolution; before the epilogue, we get a stalwart young man announcing the Revolution’s birth.
The scenes are fairly episodic and independent, so I didn’t detect the backwards structure for quite a while. But my uncertainty had another source. Xu introduces each year’s scenes with a date that is, except for one instance, not the year of the actions shown. In fact, while the segments move in reverse order, the years’ designations move in chronological order.
The opening 1976 section is labeled 1966, the 1975 section is labeled 1967, and so on up to the end, with the 1966 action designated as 1976. So we see the father’s reunion with his wife, a moment of clumsy embrace, long before he decides to leave home. As you’d expect, there’s one year in which the action and the tag coincide, 1971, and that is the only one built out of photos and film clips from the period. The year is privileged, Xu explains, because that was the year of the mysterious plane-crash death of Lin Biao, a military hero and Cultural Revolution leader who was accused of plotting Mao’s assassination.
In my viewing, the misleading dates helped conceal the reverse chronology. Confronted with so many discrete episodes of unidentified characters sprinting through the countryside, beating passersby and stealing chickens, I took the default option and assumed that the segments were chronological. Moreover, the film’s scenes play out almost entirely in overcast landscapes and decrepit factories, a landscape in which I couldn’t detect any indications of change from year to year. Watching Ruination a second time, I saw the reversal more clearly, but I also thought that some segments tease us into thinking along chronological lines. An early scene shows the father getting up in the morning (a conventional way to start a plot), saluting Chairman Mao’s statue, and reading from the Little Red Book. Yet this scene is set in 1975, after the father has returned to his wife from his Red Guard period.
Moreover, there’s some evidence that the son actually matures across the film, even though the scenes show him objectively getting younger. By the end of the plot (the earliest moment in story time) he seems to have transformed himself into a strapping young Red Guard. Supporting this construal is the fact that in the Q & A after the showing, Xu mentioned that one influence on his film’s design was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button!
Xu explained that the tragedy of the Cultural Revolution could not be comprehended through normal storytelling techniques. I suspect that viewers familiar with the relevant events and the film’s slogans, iconography, and oblique citations (even to Godard) could follow the backwards sequencing. But I suspect that those viewers would need a sense of the historical chronology to grasp the 3-2-1 order of the plot. It seems to me that Xu, known until now as a painter, has shown how an innovative approach to plot structure relies on conventional responses even as it thwarts them.
Ruiz understands that modernist narrative techniques, including unreliable narrators and fancy time-switches, depend upon a long tradition in at least two ways. First, very often the tradition got there first; scholars like Meir Sternberg and Robert Alter have demonstrated complex plays with chronology and point of view in the Bible and the Greek classics. Secondly, unusual plot structures may ring unexpected variations on more conventional ones. Case in point: reversed plot sequence.
Again, this seems to be something of a modern trend. The locus classicus appears to be Harold Pinter’s 1978 play Betrayal, in which, scene by scene, the plot proceeds in reverse chronology. This was filmed in 1983 and gave birth to a famous Seinfeld episode. As you know, Memento, Irreversible, and other recent films have taken up reverse-chronology plotting. Actually, however, there are several earlier instances, notably the 1934 Kaufman and Hart play Merrily We Roll Along (turned into a musical by Stephen Sondheim) and W. R. Burnett’s 1934 novel, Goodbye to the Past. Other examples, some going back quite far, are listed here.
Rumination, a film by Xu Ruotao in the Dragons & Tigers young directors competition at Vancouver, turns the structure to political ends. Reduced to the bare bones, the film shows a teacher, his wife, and their son caught up in the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The father falls in with a gang of Red Guard youths rampaging through the countryside. The son trails the gang at a distance and occasionally interferes with their acts of violence. These story events are arranged in blocks, with each cluster of scenes associated with a specific year. The blocks proceed backward in time, from 1976 to 1966. After a prologue, the film shows scenes of the waning of the Revolution; before the epilogue, we get a stalwart young man announcing the Revolution’s birth.
The scenes are fairly episodic and independent, so I didn’t detect the backwards structure for quite a while. But my uncertainty had another source. Xu introduces each year’s scenes with a date that is, except for one instance, not the year of the actions shown. In fact, while the segments move in reverse order, the years’ designations move in chronological order.
The opening 1976 section is labeled 1966, the 1975 section is labeled 1967, and so on up to the end, with the 1966 action designated as 1976. So we see the father’s reunion with his wife, a moment of clumsy embrace, long before he decides to leave home. As you’d expect, there’s one year in which the action and the tag coincide, 1971, and that is the only one built out of photos and film clips from the period. The year is privileged, Xu explains, because that was the year of the mysterious plane-crash death of Lin Biao, a military hero and Cultural Revolution leader who was accused of plotting Mao’s assassination.
In my viewing, the misleading dates helped conceal the reverse chronology. Confronted with so many discrete episodes of unidentified characters sprinting through the countryside, beating passersby and stealing chickens, I took the default option and assumed that the segments were chronological. Moreover, the film’s scenes play out almost entirely in overcast landscapes and decrepit factories, a landscape in which I couldn’t detect any indications of change from year to year. Watching Ruination a second time, I saw the reversal more clearly, but I also thought that some segments tease us into thinking along chronological lines. An early scene shows the father getting up in the morning (a conventional way to start a plot), saluting Chairman Mao’s statue, and reading from the Little Red Book. Yet this scene is set in 1975, after the father has returned to his wife from his Red Guard period.
Moreover, there’s some evidence that the son actually matures across the film, even though the scenes show him objectively getting younger. By the end of the plot (the earliest moment in story time) he seems to have transformed himself into a strapping young Red Guard. Supporting this construal is the fact that in the Q & A after the showing, Xu mentioned that one influence on his film’s design was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button!
Xu explained that the tragedy of the Cultural Revolution could not be comprehended through normal storytelling techniques. I suspect that viewers familiar with the relevant events and the film’s slogans, iconography, and oblique citations (even to Godard) could follow the backwards sequencing. But I suspect that those viewers would need a sense of the historical chronology to grasp the 3-2-1 order of the plot. It seems to me that Xu, known until now as a painter, has shown how an innovative approach to plot structure relies on conventional responses even as it thwarts them.

2010-10-14 17:33:12 卢志新

2010-10-15 22:14:48 卢志新
——David Bovdwe(美国电影史权威)
首先,传统的常常被先用到,学者们喜欢Meir Sternberg 和 Robert Alter在圣经和希腊的经典之作中展示的复杂的年代学和观点。
最经典之作似乎是Harold Pinter在1978年的电影《背叛》 (《Betrayal》) ,在其中,剧情场景一幕一幕地出现了反向年代。这部电影拍摄于1983年,并且诞生了著名的宋飞系列。(Seinfeld,《宋飞正传》,是美国著名的一档电视节目,类似于《老友记》。)
如你所知,《记忆碎片》(《Memento》,2000年上映的美国电影,导演Christopher Nolan),《不可撤消》(《 Irreversible》2002年上映的法国电影,导演加斯帕·诺 ) ,和其他一些最近的电影已经采用了反叙法拍摄。并且事实上这里有更早的一些实例,尤其是Kaufman 和 Hart在1934年导演的《欢乐岁月》(后来被Stephen Sondheim排成了一个音乐舞台剧)和W. R. Burnett在1934年的小说《告别过去》。
在我看这部电影时,迷乱的时空帮我掩盖了反向年代。面对如此多的来自乡下的不明人物的散乱事件,像伤害路人和偷鸡,我默认了这一点并假想这个片段是按正常时间顺序来排列的。 另外,这部电影的镜头几乎全是阴沉的景象和破旧的工厂, 在这景象里我不能发现任何年代转变的迹象。
支持我所言的实例是电影放映完后的问答环节时,徐提到影响他的电影拍摄的一个电影是《返老还童》。(《The Curious Case ofBenjamin Button》, 导演David Fincher,2008年上映,逆向年表的经典之作。)
我怀疑观众是否能能够熟悉相关的事件,能否通过电影的口号、图解、斜引文(甚至可以遵循着戈达尔 (戈达尔,Jean-Luc Godard ,《电影史》作者) )跟上电影的反向叙述法。但我想观众们会需要一种对历史年代的熟知感,以便适应3-2-1这种反向年代的叙事方法。
(蓝色括号内为我翻译时注,其余为作者David Bovdwe注)
原文转载自David Bovdwe博客http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/
——David Bovdwe(美国电影史权威)
首先,传统的常常被先用到,学者们喜欢Meir Sternberg 和 Robert Alter在圣经和希腊的经典之作中展示的复杂的年代学和观点。
最经典之作似乎是Harold Pinter在1978年的电影《背叛》 (《Betrayal》) ,在其中,剧情场景一幕一幕地出现了反向年代。这部电影拍摄于1983年,并且诞生了著名的宋飞系列。(Seinfeld,《宋飞正传》,是美国著名的一档电视节目,类似于《老友记》。)
如你所知,《记忆碎片》(《Memento》,2000年上映的美国电影,导演Christopher Nolan),《不可撤消》(《 Irreversible》2002年上映的法国电影,导演加斯帕·诺 ) ,和其他一些最近的电影已经采用了反叙法拍摄。并且事实上这里有更早的一些实例,尤其是Kaufman 和 Hart在1934年导演的《欢乐岁月》(后来被Stephen Sondheim排成了一个音乐舞台剧)和W. R. Burnett在1934年的小说《告别过去》。
在我看这部电影时,迷乱的时空帮我掩盖了反向年代。面对如此多的来自乡下的不明人物的散乱事件,像伤害路人和偷鸡,我默认了这一点并假想这个片段是按正常时间顺序来排列的。 另外,这部电影的镜头几乎全是阴沉的景象和破旧的工厂, 在这景象里我不能发现任何年代转变的迹象。
支持我所言的实例是电影放映完后的问答环节时,徐提到影响他的电影拍摄的一个电影是《返老还童》。(《The Curious Case ofBenjamin Button》, 导演David Fincher,2008年上映,逆向年表的经典之作。)
我怀疑观众是否能能够熟悉相关的事件,能否通过电影的口号、图解、斜引文(甚至可以遵循着戈达尔 (戈达尔,Jean-Luc Godard ,《电影史》作者) )跟上电影的反向叙述法。但我想观众们会需要一种对历史年代的熟知感,以便适应3-2-1这种反向年代的叙事方法。
(蓝色括号内为我翻译时注,其余为作者David Bovdwe注)
原文转载自David Bovdwe博客http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/
美国的大卫·鲍威尔(David Bordwell)和我说这是他在这次影展上看到的最好的电影,并说将在他的博客专门写下。呵呵,我所有紧张的神经就此放松了。
“这部关于文革的试验性剧情片采用了一个特别 的结构:影片里的人物和年度很自然的往前发展,可是具体的历史事件是倒置的。影片所创造出来的新时空不仅让观众对文革历史 产生一种反刍的思考,而且使人联想到中国当下的社会问题。笔者忘不了那场关于LIUSI的场景:一位手提两个塑料袋面对三个身着红卫兵服装的人。当这三个人每次试图穿过这个男人的时候,他们往左,他也往左,他们往右,他也往右,这个男人成了一个活的障碍。这个场景使观众想到了甜按门事件,放映的时候,大家都抱以了热烈的掌声。而让笔者思考最深的是最后的一个场景:同样的男人在镜头前面说:“‘无产阶级文化大革命’就要开始了!”导演选择这样的结尾肯定是与整个影片的时间结构有关,但从另外一个角度来看,这样的场景无疑也是针对中国社会的未来。简单来讲,即在现今的经济危机和民族斗争之下,新的社会革命拥有怎么样的可能性?”