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2010-04-01 18:17:31   来自: 跑堂
天津 和平区 摇滚天津俱乐部(大沽路与赤峰道交口55号口腔医院对面)
2010-4-11 14:00
2010-4-11 18:00
地点:天津 和平区 摇滚天津俱乐部(大沽路与赤峰道交口55号口腔医院对面)

片名: 现成品
其它片名: /Readymade
导演: 张秉坚
制片人: 张秉坚
摄影: 张骥, 张秉坚
美术: 窦军
声音: 王长锐, 邓威
剪辑: 方镭, 张秉坚
音乐: 刘思军
片长: 81分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 中文
格式: HDV

影片概述 . . . . . .
这是一部关于毛泽东的模仿者的纪录片。第一个模仿者叫彭天, 他是一位来自于毛主席故乡湖南的农民,为了实现走上银幕的梦想, 他在家庭的全力支持下穿着毛的制服走进了北京电影学院表演系的大门。。。

第二位模仿者叫陈燕,她是四川绵阳的一位家庭妇女, 二十年前她的母亲发现她长得像毛主席,在那个年代作为一个女人模仿毛主席会被认为是犯了大忌, 但是在新的时代,陈燕的尝试会是一个什么的结果呢?

Mao Zedong, the major founder and leader of the People’s Republic and Communist Party of China, died 32 years ago. his is a documentary about two ordinary individuals who have physical likeness to Mao and choose to be his impersonators. As a result, their life and destiny have changed ever since…

The first individual is a farmer named Peng Tian who came from the same hometown as Mao Zedong. His dream is to impersonate Mao on big screen. Wearing Mao’s suit, he decides to study acting in Beijing Film Academy with the support of his family…

The second individual is a housewife, Chen Yan, who was born in Mian Yang of Sichuan Province. Twenty years ago, her mother discovered her similarity. Being a woman, it was considered a taboo to play Mao who was viewed as a God in the past. But what would happy to her if she wants to give it a try in this new millennium?

导演阐述 . . . . . .
这是一部关于毛主席模仿者的纪录片, 两位中国的普通人因为在容貌上和毛泽东的相像而走上了模仿毛的道路.

关于拍摄的动机和理由非常简单, 当你在真实的生活中, 看到“毛主席”和百姓们一起挤公交车; 看到 “毛主席” 在电影学院的教室里和年轻美貌的学生一起上表演课; 看到 “毛主席” 回家洗衣做饭被丈夫骂哭; 看到 “毛主席”和 “麦克尔.杰克逊”一起在圣诞晚会上同台献艺...; 我想所有的中国人都会拿起他们手上的相机包括摄像机来记录下这 “上帝” 或 “菩萨” 下凡的一幕.

透过镜头我看到了一种变迁, 这种变迁过程在中国历史上往往会兴师动众和头破血流, 但是在玩世不恭的今天, 一种幼稚的/赤裸裸的和廉价的自娱自乐行为轻松地完成了这种变迁. 

片名”现成品”借自杜尚的概念, 这是一种用通常因为其通俗和实用性而不被认为有艺术价值的物品来进行直接的但是经常稍被改动的艺术创作.

This film is about two ordinary citizens who live and breath Mao Zedong. These individuals’ physical resemblance of Mao offered them a new venue to lead a very different life as Mao impersonators in today’s China.

The drive behind our filming this piece is simple. Thirty-three years after Mao’s death, what would a bunch of ordinary Chinese do when they see “Mao” straggling to not fall over on a crowed bus through the morning traffic flow? What would they do when they see “Mao” taking acting directions in a Beijing Film Academy classroom amongst those beautiful freshwoman? What will they do when they see “Mao” at home, bursts into tears trying to understand her husband’s harsh criticism? What will they do when they see “Mao” and “Michael Jackson” sharing the same stage at a rural Christmas Show? I foretell a matching motion: raising cameras. I hear the crispy shutter snapping sound that catches the picture of their lifetime. Because, right in this frozen instant, in front of them, the ordinary Chinese people, “GOD” has finally walked down from the cloud and returned to the land he was born.

Through my camera lens, I saw a simple but powerful picture of an overthrow. It is usually a gory one in Chinese history. But, today, this revolt has completed its course of mutation through the narcissism with naive imitation and kitsch touch!

The film title: Readymade was borrowed from Marcel Duchamp —it describes art created from the undisguised, but often modified, use of objects that are not normally considered art, often because they already have a mundane, utilitarian function.

2008 “现成品”,纪录片,HDV, 81分钟。中国白相人电影合作社出品。
2003 “窒息”,故事片,35胶片,89分钟,主演:葛优,秦海璐等。中国电影集团出品。
1991-1994 美国南卡罗莱纳州大学, 视觉艺术硕士。
1978-1982 北京电影学院美术系本科。

1996 美国亚特兰大奥运会艺术节特邀艺术家(全美20位) , (亚特兰大市政府, 奥运会艺术委员会主办) (1996)
One of twenty official selected artists for the Atlanta Olympic Art Project by the City of Atlanta, Olympic Committee Cultural Olympia for the Atlanta Game, USA

1995 美国纽约路易斯·蒂芬妮基金会年度艺术家奖提名 (Louis C. Tiffany Foundation, Annual Artist Fellowship Nomination)

1993 美国国家艺术基金会╱美国南卡罗莱纳州立基金会 多种文化奖, (National Endowments for the Arts╱South Carolina Arts Commission Multi-Culture Fellowship)

1992 美国艺术大学奖(利凯泰克斯艺术) (Liquitex University Award for Excellence in Art) 

1984 第六届全国美术展览, 铜质奖章 ,(文化部, 中国美术家协会主办)6th National Art Exhibition Bronze Award, Organized by Chinese Cultural Ministry and China Artist’s Association.

2005  意大利乌迪内远东国际电影节参赛
Italy Udine Far East International Film Festival (Official selection)

法国嘎纳电影节参展 (国际电影市场单元)
Cannes Film Festival (World Film Market)

Hong Kong International Film Festival (Chinese Film Section)

Shanghai International Film Festival (New Chinese Film Section)

Swiss Neuchatel International Fantastic Film Festival (Official selection)

Japan Fukuoka International Film Festival (Official selection)

2006  瑞典歌德堡国际电影节参赛 (2006)
Sweden Goteborg International Film Festival (Official selection)

selected Public Collection for Film:

日本福冈市立现代影像资料馆 (收藏电影“窒息”) (2005)
Fukuoka Public Library Film Archive, Japan (for Film: Suffocation) 2005

视觉作品公共收藏 (精选):
selected Public Collection for Visual Work:

National Gallery of China

South Carolina State Museum, USA
South Carolina Arts Commission, USA

Atlanta International Airport, USA

City Court of Atlanta, USA

Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta Headquarter, USA

University of South Carolina, USA

Westin Hotel of Shanghai, China

Bruce McGaw Graphic Publishing Group. USA


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