第四届北京独立影展发刊词 独立影展当然是不能当喉舌的

2009-09-04 18:02:00 平静即死亡

2009-09-05 17:35:28 非专业说话

2009-09-06 15:18:02 子非
Since the founding of BiFF in 2006 up to now, we are still in the process of exploring the style and direction of our film festival. These questions must still be confronted in future years as we maintain a certain kind of unfixed position, or perhaps a kind of valuable wariness.
Even if we consider an individual who has lived in China for many years – including those working on the frontline of cinema – when he/she faces the domestic film festival environment, his/her understanding often has an extreme limit. Often directors give me suggestions to create more publicity for the film festival and complain that our exact schedule of screenings is always late in being released. Some say that the festival is not international enough and that it could be more optimistic. Still others recommend that we invite officials from different levels of government to attend and participate, especially those public figures who are in charge of cinema-related activities. In fact, these are all particularly fine suggestions, but so far we have yet to implement them. I think we must be patient and wait. We either wait until a day when such harmony is possible, or wait until the day when we are all fed up.
Do these suggestions point to problems in our festival? In my thinking, doesn’t revealing the reality of our current social situation hold the same importance as revealing cinema’s present state of affairs? In this nation, a mouth is allowed to eat, but speaking is another matter: the official mouthpiece must always have control. Of course, an independent film festival cannot serve as the official mouthpiece. Often there are people who discuss “the power to speak,” but no matter who controls this power, it seems as if his/her position changes extraordinarily fast. Those in the past who shot “underground films” are now busy shooting government propaganda films; those who before catered to foreigners now hurry to cooperate with domestic businesspeople. This is to say, film festivals are unwelcome affairs, seeming to be out of tune and superfluous to society. As a result, film festivals appear luxurious to many people; however, this “superfluous” work must continue.
Luckily, cinema is still emerging. Even though the lens doesn’t have a tongue, it seems to communicate in ways that exceed the mouth. Everyone says his/her camera doesn’t lie, so lying is certainly a human affair.
Zhu Rikun
(Translated by J.P. Sniadecki)