专访首尔数字电影节总监 只有一个规则:影片是否感动了我们

2009-08-20 10:14:21 Neveronline (戰國)

2009-08-20 13:53:32 107cine
1. Why the 3rd CinDi choose the "SPRING FEVER" directed by Lou Ye as the opening film?
Mr.CHUNGSung-ill:答案很简单。我们观看了很多候选影片 ,在这些影片当中,娄烨导演的这部影片是最具争议也是最令人感动的。我们知道这部影片在戛纳全球首映之后引起了不少的争论,但这并不影响我们将之选为本届电影节的开幕影片。
The answer is simple. We had watched a lot of films as candidates for opening film and, among them, LOU Ye’s film was most controversial and most moving. We are aware of the fact that there were arguments for and against this film right after its world premiere at Cannes. But it didn’t cause any problem for us as CinDi decided to go to bat for SPRING FEVER after watching the film. That is how CinDi chooses an opening film.
2. As we know, Jia Zhang Ke's "24 city" was the opening film of the 2nd CinDi in 2008, and, Jia was a jury member as that Lou is a jury member this year. Does that mean some special concern, especially about Chinese film? If yes, what's that and why?
There might be a slight difference of interpretation. We don’t consider the nationality of the film at all when selecting films. The opening film of the first edition of CinDi was INLAND EMPIRE by David LYNCH, which can be quite unexpected for not being an Asian film. We don’t like to divide films by their nationalities. Last year, when we watched JIA Zhanke’s 24 CITY, we were kind of shocked. JIA had found a totally original way of film narration and maintained his way. In other words, he found a new way of aesthetics of digital cinema. Likewise, LOU Ye found a new way of speaking in terms of structure of the narrative. Even if LOU Ye had made the same film in a different country with a different nationality, whether it would had been Japan, Taiwan, Philippines or Korea, it must have not affected us choosing his film as our opening film.
3. There are 7 films from China in the competition section. Would you please tell us why these films? And would you please introduce to filmmakers in China: how does CinDi select films in China, besides "summit films" I mean.
第二种方式,通过我们的三位节目顾问的推荐,TA们是:迪拜国际电影节选片人Philip CHEAH,东京FIMeX 片人ICHIYAMA Shozo,以及香港国际电影节艺术总监LI Cheuk-to。不过,这三位顾问的推荐并不意味着被推荐影片享有优先保证。每一位顾问有权选择一部影片入围竞赛单元,但是其他的12个竞赛席位则必须经由电影节选片委员会来决定。
So, we might have to give you the same answer to your third question. The thing that matters for us is each individual film and its filmmaker because our wish is to meet new talents not new countries. If we find more interesting films from China, and if we are able to introduce those films, we can make our selection of 15 competition films all with 15 Chinese films. It would be possible because we didn’t choose 15 ‘Chinese’ films but films by 15 ‘directors’. Conversely speaking, it means that there can be no Chinese film at all in our competition line-up if we don’t find any interesting Chinese film, which will be, of course, a very sad thing for us but cannot be helped. We divide films neither by nationalities nor by genres. Whether the film is a fiction, a documentary, an animation or an experimental film, it doesn’t cause any problem for us. There is only one ruler: whether the film moves us by it s creative decision or not.
Chinese films in CinDi’s competition reach us through 3 ways. First one is, of course, that the director him or herself finds the information on our website and send us the submission. This year, large number of films found us in this way. Second is the recommendation by our three program consultants: Philip CHEAH, the programmer of Dubai International Film Festival, ICHIYAMA Shozo, the program director of Tokyo FIMeX and LI Cheuk-to, the Artistic director of Hong Kong International Film Festival. But recommendation by these program consultants doesn’t guarantee privilege to those films. Each consultant has the right to select one film on his own but the other 12 films will be selected by the selection committee of the festival after watched with other films. There is the third way. We have quite a number of friends in China who help us finding more Chinese films by recommending us those films. But I am not sure if I can tell you their names since most of those films are not yet under governmental authorization. In any case, we hope you to be one of those friends as we would like to introduce more Chinese films. It is without doubt that China is a country where the most interesting films are being made in the world.
4. I notice that CinDi held tour-show in Beijing China,why do you hold the tour-show? Is that kind of tour-show also held in other countries besides South Korea and China? If yes, would you please share sth about the tour-show with us?
Mr.CHUNGSung-ill:今年3月29日-4月19日我们曾经和中国独立电影影像档案馆CIFA合作,在798艺术区的伊比利亚当代艺术中心展映8部CinDi电影节2007年和2008年竞赛单元的影片,作为CIFA举办的“这里发生了什么”展览的一个组成部分。当中还有一个CinDi论坛:韩国电影的年轻一代和亚洲新电影平台。当时,CinDi的联合总监Park Kiyong,《after》的导演Choi Yong Suk,以及《Dog in Cheonggyecheon》的导演Kim Kyung Mook出席了该论坛。
CinDi的全称是“首尔数字电影节” cinema digital seoul_film festival。之所以在末尾加上首尔,是因为这样的话,我们可以很容易地换成其他城市。CinDi可以在任何一个可以分享我们发现的优秀电影作品的城市中举办。CinDi北京是我们海外巡展的第一步。4月28日-5月6日期间,我们还和Image Forum Film Festival合作举办CinDi在日本(CinDi in Japan),2008年竞赛单元中的4部影片在东京进行了展映。CinDi愿意和世界各地的电影界人士进行交流分享。
In collaboration with Chinese Independent Film Archive (CIFA), 8 films from CinDi 2007 and 2008’s competition were screened in Beijing as a part of CIFA’s exhibition ‘What Has Been Happening Here’. The event was held from March 29th to April 19th in Iberia Center for Contemporary Art in 798 Art District. There was a ‘CinDi Forum: The Young Generation of Korean Cinema and a Platform for New Asian Film’ with Park Kiyong (festival co-director of CinDi), Choi Yong Suk (director of ‘after’) and Kim Kyung Mook (director of ‘Dog in Cheonggyecheon’)
The full name of CinDi is ‘cinema digital seoul_film festival’. The reason that we put a name of the city ‘Seoul’ at the end of the title was because we can easily exchange this name to other cities’. CinDi can happen in any cities where we can share our discoveries of emerging film talents. And CinDi Beijing was the very first step for this oversea tour. In the following month, CinDi had another tour called ‘CinDi in Japan’ in collaboration with Image Forum Film Festival. 4 films from CinDi 2008’s competition were shown from April 28th to May 6th in Tokyo. CinDi would like to go anywhere as long as our film friends there can share the visions of discovery and friendship with us.