Country : CHINA
Director :Pema Tseden
Writing credits
Based on : Variation in one day; A piece of red cloth
Genre :Fiction
Shooting format :35mm
Color / black and white : Color
Estimated running time :100'
Shooting language :Tibetan
Shooting start date :Sep/2009
Shooting location :Tibet
Expected completition date : Dec/2010
Production status : Pre-production
Total budget :600,000 Euro
Financing already in place : none
Spring in the morning.
The boy Yangben goes to herd sheep. Yangben promises his mother to marry Yangcuo, the daughter of the village's head. Another boy who is also fond of Yangcuo dares him to a horserace.
The primary school student Wujin experiences blindness for one day by covering his eyes because he is writing a composition about blind men.
An helicopter is spraying grass seeds on the grassland. The herdsmen are looking at it surprisingly.
Wujin feels very regretful because he can’t see the helicopter with his eyes covered.
The helicopter takes off. The villagers are at loss.
Summer, at noon
At the horserace, a grown up Yangben gets the first prize. He marries Yangcuo.
After the wedding, Wujin and Yangben find locusts are spreading on the grassland.
Yangben, who is now the village's head, leads the herdsmen to kill the locusts. Many people are taken down affected by poison.
The old men think this is the curse for killing locusts.
The villagers ask monks to have a Buddhist Ceremony to drive off the misfortune.
Autumn, in the afternoon
Yangben and Wujin find the locusts are spreading on the grassland again.
Yangben and Wujin with eyes covered burn the grassland.
The locusts are killed.
Not long after that, Yangben’s old mother passes away.
His mother’s body is placed on the Celestial Burial platform, no bald hawk flies to eat it.
The villagers think it is the curse towards Yangben whokilled too many lives.
Yangben swears to use white stones to pile up Om Mani Padme Hum to release his mothers’ souls from purgatory.
Winter, at dusk
When Yangben and Wujin finish piling up the Om Mani Padme Hum, it snows.
Many bald hawks fly over surround mother’s body. The snow covers the
Om Mani Padme Hum.
A brisk song comes from not far away. A blind wandering entertainer is singing.
The blind man says to Wujin: "I was born a blind man. There are neither familiar things nor non-familiar things in my heart. All is a mess and both very clear in my mind".
Yangben, Wujin and the blind man become smaller in the vast snow grassland.
It gets dark completely gradually.
The story is about one day of A herdsman. He magicly experienced Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and his Childhood, youth, oldth in one day.
One hundred of years' history of Tibet is as one day of a person like the herdsman. Though it's tedious, it endures complicated and profound variation.
It seems that one day is longer than one hundred of years.
I hope the film is like a mirror of Tibet's modern history.
This film tells a story about a herdsman’s experiences of his whole life in one day .
This is a film of magic realism in the real sense. The change of four seasons happens just in one day, which presents the long history of almost 100 years of a nation.
The film is just like a magic mirror reflecting the spiritual history of Tibet nation.
“这是一个真正意义上的魔幻现实主义的故事,是一个新的尝试。我以前写小说也很少写特别现实主义的那种。但是拍电影,没办法,选题上就有很多的限制。所以我的小说和电影有很大的不同。这次洛迦诺这个,可能和我以前写的小说比较接近,可能是一个更适合我的故事。就是讲一个人的一生,也是一个民族的某一段历史的一个缩影。在一天里面,一个人经历了春夏秋冬一年四季,同时经历了童年,少年,青年,中年,老年。同时,故事中的一个小孩,蒙着眼睛,他要感受瞎子的感觉。在那个人的一生中,这个小孩因为蒙着眼睛,所以没有长大。这其实是藏族近代史的一个缩影。这一百年就像非常漫长的一天一样,很少变化,呵呵。”(详细访谈:一个独立电影导演的背后 和万玛才旦导演漫谈电影相关)