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OPEN DOOR是什么啊?就是“开个门”的意思!

2009-08-06 19:02:28   来自: 107cine
  With support fromthe Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation(sdc) of the Swiss ForeignMinistry, for the last six years theOpenDoors section hasworked to highlight filmmakers and films fromcountrieswhose cinema is still developing, and is committed to enabling themto find
  coproduction partners for their newprojects. This initiative, focusing on a different region every year, operates in twomodes.OpenDoors Factory brings professionals fromthe chosen region together with potential partners,mostly fromEurope, to foster support for projects
  thatwould otherwise be difficult tomake. Every year, following a call for submissions, the Festival selects a dozen newprojects fromthe chosen region.At the end of theworkshop, thewinning projects receive either development
  or production support. For the public audience,OpenDoors screens a selection of key films fromthe national cinemas of the chosen region.Since its inception,OpenDoors has showcasedwork fromCuba and Argentina, countries in theMekong, theMaghreb, South-East Asia (Indonesia,Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand), theNear andMiddle East (Mashrek), Latin America and, in 2009, China.
  OPEN DOOR得到瑞士外交部发展与合作局的支持,该项目主要支持发展中国家的电影制作,尤其是那些电影工业尚在发展阶段的国家和地区的电影制作,通过这个平台,帮助这些国家的新发展的电影项目找到投资合作伙伴。每年OPEN DOOR都会关注不同的国家或地区。有两种模式:其一,OpenDoors Factory(OPEN DOOR工厂),选择筛选过的项目,集中在电影节期间,举办项目平台,将专业电影制作人以及投资人聚在一起,举办工作访(WORKSHOP)形式,帮助电影制作人获得资金,启动项目制作。其二,OPEN DOOR同时做放映,放映来自被选定地区的重要影片。2009年,是OPEN DOOR所谓的大中华区OPEN DOOR。


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