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Letters from Death Row conquers the Eteral City

2009-04-20 13:33:13   来自: Kafka (BJ)  评论 八佰棒
  Asiatica Report
  9th Asiatica Film Mediale of Rome - February 1, 2009
  Country: Italy
  By: Keoprasith Souvannavong
  The Asiatica Film Mediale is a warm and friendly film festival which takes place every year in the Eternal City.
  Its 9th edition (15-23 November 2008) the festival director Italo Spinelli and his hospitable and friendly team did a great job that can notably be seen through the rich programme of the event and the quality of the selection.
  As the NETPAC jury I had the honour to preside over (Italian film directors Wilma Labate and Mario Gianni were the two other jury members) gave its award to two films ex aequo: Tokyo Sonata by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, "for the humorous yet sober description of a family in a society where saving face is crucial" and Songs from the Southern Seas (Marat Sarulu's Russian-French coproduction) "for the lightness with which it portrays a multi-ethnic reality distorted by history".
  Besides these two films, among those in competition, Blink (Kurap) deserves a mention: Ronnie Bertubin's first feature deals with some aspects of the metropolitan realities of the Philippines (corruption, prostitution, drugs, violence...). It was shot within three days on a budget of 20,000 USD only, showing that, even with very few means, one can make interesting films thanks to talent.
  Talking about few means and talent, my attention was drawn as well to Letters from Death Row (Ba Bai Bang), partly shot in a real prison in China and dealing with the story of a man on a death sentence who is assigned the job of recording the last wills of the other prisoners awaiting execution like him. Produced by young Chinese director Kevin Feng Ke himself, the film was awarded the first prize ex aequo from the international jury of the 9th Asiatica Film Mediale.
  View Festival Reports Archive
  Netpac News
    NETPAC Award Winner picked for distribution by CJ Entertainment
    Korean film Members of the Funeral (NETPAC Award winner at Pusan 2008) is picked for distribution by CJ Entertainment.
    March 1, 2009


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