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第二击:《南京路》 Street life

2009-02-18 12:41:24   来自: 意识流插画家
  地点:南方都市报10楼会议室(南方都市报主楼7、8号电梯上至9楼,再由楼梯上     至10楼)
  导演:赵大勇   Director: Zhao Dayong
  制片:赵大勇   Producer: Zhao Dayong
  摄影:赵大勇   Cinematography: Zhao Dayong
  录音:李青     Sound: Li Qing
  剪辑:赵大勇   Editing: Zhao Dayong
  2007/ 98分钟/ 中英文字幕   2007/ 98min/ with English subtitles
  梗概 Synopsis
  They are from all over China, without true names or social relations. They call one another after the names of their hometowns. They make a living by collecting garbage, stealing, begging, and singing. Treading on the fringes of society , these people gather together in the alleys near Nanjing Road. In the hustle and bustle of life, some live hopefully and some happily - others can’t bear the burden and go mad.
  第4届中国纪录片交流周评委会奖 Jury Prize。评语:强烈的真实来自作者与拍摄对象之间关系的直接,作品流畅强烈。在大规模城市化和资源不均的背景下,这少数人的生存令我们联想到了自己的生存。


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