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2008-07-06 03:49:45   来自: 废人
    片名(Title): 业余
   英文名(English Title):The Virgin Boys
   片长(Length): 163分钟
   放映格式(format): DVD PAL
   完成年份(Year of Production):2008
   制作机构(Production):Wei Xiaobo Film Studio
   语言Original Language:普通话+各地方言
   字幕 Subtitles:中英
   The shooting location of this documentary was done in a university of southern China. With the view of the faster and better development, the school needed to carefully prepare for the evaluation and examination which come from the Ministry of Education in the next year. So at this year, the graduate was forced to stay in the school to modify their essays. Nobody knew that when he could leave school. It’s the shooting background. It seems like "Topics in Focus "(a program in CCTV).But in fact, there is no relationship between the two. The shooting object is the students' spare time. Facing to be going to graduate or cant graduate, some of them were full of ambitions, some were frustrated, some were bewildered, and some were hysteria. Some of them got angry because of their ideals, and some were decadent because of their desperation...it is the mental history of this generation.
   导演阐述(Director’s Statement):《业余》在这里有两层意思,一是指我设备的业余和技术的业余,二是指所拍摄的都是些业余时间做的事。当电影陷入设备、技术或投资的漩涡时,用一种业余的心态拍摄的片子可能能接近电影的本质,或者更接近生活的本质。吃喝拉撒、摸爬滚打、讲荤段子、聊聊女人、骂骂领导……这些荒谬的事加起来,应该算是一部电影吧,就像这个时代所有荒谬的事一样。
   “Amateur”(the Chinese name)includes two meanings, one means that my shooting equipments and shooting techniques are not perfessional.and the other is that I made this documentary in my spare time. When the film involved in a deep hole of equipment, technique or investment, the film which was made with an amateur’s attitude may more approach the essence of film, or the essence of life. Eating and shitting,stumbling and searching, talking dirty, scolding the leadership…all these ridiculous things supposed to be a film, just like all these ridiculous things in our times.
  2008.7.12 长沙FREEDOM HOUSE酒吧 下午2点开始放映 门票10元

2008-07-06 11:51:56  废人


2008-07-06 11:53:17  废人


2008-07-19 00:37:01  我就是俺呀



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