第4届中国纪录片交流周 获奖影片专场放映 日期:2007年7月14日 星期六 Date: 14th July,2007 Saturday 时间: 13:00~15:30 《秉爱》 冯艳 (导演见面讨论会) 15:30~18:00 《南京路》 赵大勇 (导演见面讨论会) 19:00~22:00 《三里洞》 林鑫 Schedule: 13:00~15:00 Bingai by FENG Yan (Q&A with director) 15:30~18:00 Street Life by ZHAO Dayong (Q&A with director) 19:00~22:00 Sanlidong by LIN Xin 放映地点: 段落空间 (朝阳区安外北苑北湖渠酒厂艺术区C9001) Venue: Segment Space C9001,Jiuchang Art Complex, Beihuqu Road, Anwaibeiyuan Street, Chaoyang District 地址路线: 开车:北四环或北三环上京承高速往北望京科技园出口出去往西过一个桥洞北湖渠桥就到 公共汽车:运通117,629,630,913,976北湖渠下车,向东500米酒厂艺术区园内 咨询电话:010-86410742 Email:fanhall@163.com 影片资料 Films Information: 1、冯艳《秉爱》 优秀纪录奖Excellent Documentary Award (奖金2000元) 评语: 劳动妇女完整而生动的肖像,对土地、爱情等问题反映深刻,触及灵魂。作者强烈认同的这个人物透露着中国传统美德的局限和伟大。 片名(Title): 秉爱 英文名(English Title):Bingai 片长(Running Time): 114 mins 年份(Year of Production):2007 导演(Director):冯艳Feng Yan 制片人(Producer): 冯艳 Feng Yan 摄影(Cinematography):冯艳 Feng Yan 剪辑(Editing):冯艳(Feng Yan) 马修•哈斯勒(Mathieu Haessler) 梗概Synopsis 张秉爱是一个住在三峡库区的普通的农妇。20多年前,由父母做主从高山上嫁到了生活相对富裕的江边。丈夫有病,张秉爱不得不一个人承担了全部的生活重担。日子虽苦,但张秉爱对未来充满了希望,因为儿子是村里唯一考上了县重点高中的孩子。 张家是村里的钉子户。虽然第一期移民的时候,她家被允许就地后靠,但6年过去,村里一直没有分给她建房的土地。现在,大坝就要截流,第二期移民也已搬迁完毕,一片废墟中,只有张家的小屋,还孤零零地执拗地矗立着。干部们一遍又一遍地来,目的只有一个,就是动员她外迁。在和干部交锋的空隙,在繁忙的农活之余,张秉爱不动声色地,蓄谋已久般地讲述那充满痛苦的过去……。 With the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, now under construction, 1.13 million people along the Yangtze River will have been dislocated. The majority of them are farmers. BINGAI features one woman farmer who refuses to move away from her village. The audience will follow her seven-year struggle with officials who pressure her to relocate, while a strong devotion to her land compels her to remain in the place she calls home. 导演简历Bio-filmography of Director 冯艳,天津人。1984年毕业于天津外国语学院日本文学专业,1988年——2001年留学和工作于日本。1994年起开始用超8和DV制作纪录片。曾翻译《小川绅介的世界》。作品有:《上学》(1994年)、《归乡路迢迢》(1997年)、《长江之梦》(1997年)、《小肖的春天》(1998年)、《秉爱》(2007)、《长江边的女人们》(现后期制作)。 A native of Tianjin, Feng Yan studied Japanese at the Tianjin Foreign Language Institute befor relocating to Japan for 13 years in 1988. She has been shooting Super 8 and DV films since 1994, many of which focus on the Yangtze River. Her work include: The Woman Country Teacher (1994 , 30 min),I Want to Go to School (1995 , 30 min),Dreams of Changjiang (1997 , 90 min), The Long Way To Hometown ( 1997, 70min), The Spring of Xiao Xiao (1998 , 45 min), Bingai(2007,114min),Women of Changjiang River(in post-production). 2、赵大勇《南京路》 评委会奖 Jury Prize(奖金3000元) 评语: 强烈的真实来自作者与拍摄对象之间关系的直接,作品流畅强烈。在大规模城市化和资源不均的背景下,这少数人的生存令我们联想到了自己的生存。 片名(Title): 南京路 英文名(English Title):Street life 片长(Running Time): 98 mins 年份(Year of Production):2007.3. 导演(Director):赵大勇 Zhao Dayong 制片人(Producer): 赵大勇 Zhao Dayong 摄影(Cinematography):赵大勇 Zhao Dayong 录音(Sound):李青 Li Qing 剪辑(Editing):赵大勇 Zhao Dayong 公司(Production) 大道工作室 梗概 Synopsis 他们来自全国各地,没真实的姓名、没有真实的社会关系,他们用家乡的地名来称呼自己。他们以捡垃圾、偷东西、要饭、卖唱为生。这一群游走于社会边缘人群,他们聚集在南京路的各个巷口 。来来去去的生活里有人满怀希望的活着、有人快乐的活着、也有人最终不堪生存压力而疯掉。 They are from all over China, without true names or social relations. They call one another after the names of their hometowns. They make a living by collecting garbage, stealing, begging, and singing. Treading on the fringes of society , these people gather together in the alleys near Nanjing Road. In the hustle and bustle of life, some live hopefully and some happily – others can’t bear the burden and go mad.
导演简历Bio-filmography of director 1970年出生於遼宁 1992年鲁迅美术学院油画系 1992-1995北京职业画家 1995-1999广州从事广告导演 1997创建广州大客设计公司 1997主持出版当代艺术杂志〈文化与道德〉 1999-2001于美国哈佛大学东亚艺术交流学者 2002开始云南纪录片《废城》《上帝在中国》拍摄 2004-2006独力制作纪录片《南京路》 1992 Graduated from Luxun Art Academy, Majored in Painting 1992-1995 Professional Artist in Beijing 1995-1999 Advertisement director in Guangzhou 1997 Established Guangzhou Dake Design Co.,Ltd 1997 Ran the contemporary art magazine, Culture And Morals 1999-2001 East Asia Art Visiting scholar at Harvard University From 2002 Shooting two Yunnan documentaries: the Sound of A Dead City and In Shangrila 2004-2006 Individually produced documentary Living in the Nanking Road 3、林鑫《三里洞》 独立精神奖Independent Spirit Award (奖金5000元) 评语: 作者个人对社会变革和建设的回顾,恰恰提供了罕见的广度和深度,包含对父辈的浓厚情感,更带领我们抵抗对历史的淡忘。 片名(Title):三里洞 英文名(English Title):SANLIDONG 片长(Running Time): 172min 年份(Year of Production):2006.12 导演(Director):林鑫LINXIN 制片人(Producer):林鑫 LINXIN 摄影(Cinematography):林鑫LINXIN 剪辑(Editing): 林鑫LINXIN 梗概Synopsis 这是一部矿工之子拍摄的关于他父辈的纪录片。 1955年,300多位来自上海的热血青年,怀着支援大西北建设的希望和梦想,来到铜川三里洞煤矿。50年后,当年的建设者大多不在了。在那片深埋着黑色煤炭的土地上,始终激荡的是矿工们的命运和呼吸。本片用15个片段,记录依然生活在当地的老矿工、已故者和那个即将消逝的时代。以矿工的群像,见证了生命的坚韧和尊严。 他们是:戚国其、顾龙祥、沈龙根、王正祥、姚洪昌、葛登发、张百生、陆荣初、周寿根、罗世俊、丁福珍、童光、高章顺、陈宜祥、朱永生。 This is a documentary film made by a son of a miner, focusing on elder generation life. In the year of 1955, more than 300 ardent youths from Shanghai City came to the Sanlidong Coal Mine aiming at realizing their hopes and dreams of contributing to the Construction of the Great Northwest. 50 years later, seldom of them are still alive. It is the miner’s fortune and life that exists all the while on that land full of deeply-buried black coal. This film mainly reflects local old miners’ life either alive or dead as well as that special time, with 15 film sections. It witnesses the diligence and dignity of the life by describing miners’ images. 15 miners are: Qi Guoqi (died), Gu Longxiang, Shen Longgen, Wang Zhengxiang, Yao Hongchang, Ge Dengfa, Zhang Baisheng, Lu Rongchu, Zhou Shougen, Luo Shijun, Ding Fuzhen, Tong Guang, Gao Zhangshun, Chen Yixiang, Zhu Yongsheng (died). 导演简历 Bio-filmography of director 林鑫,画家、独立影像制作人。1960年生于陕西铜川市,祖籍江苏太仓。曾在北京中国美术馆及西安等地多次举办个展。出版画集《21世纪优秀艺术家画集——林鑫》,诗集《噢!父亲——黑色的记忆》。2003——2004年编导了纪录片《陈炉》,2005年入选德国莱比锡国际纪录片电影节、日本山形国际纪录片电影节和云之南记录影像展。2005——2006年,拍摄制作关于矿工生活的纪录片《三里洞》。 Linxin, an artist and independent video producer, was born in Tongchuang city, Shaanxi Province in 1960, and his ancestral home is Taicang, Jiangsu Province. He has successfully held several Personal Painting Exhibition in the National Chinese Art Gallery, Beijing, Xi’an, etc. His published works are: 21st Century Excellent Artist Picture Album----Linxin and Oh, My Father, My Black Memory. During the period of 2003-2004, he directed the documentary film Chenlu. In 2005, he participated in the 48th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2005, and Yunnan multi culture visual festival 2005. During the period of 2005-2006, he produced the documentary film named San Li Dong concerning on miners’ lives. 主办:段落空间 策划:现象工作室 媒体支持:现象网 www.fanhall.com 地图:
日期:2007年7月14日 星期六
Date: 14th July,2007 Saturday
13:00~15:30 《秉爱》 冯艳 (导演见面讨论会)
15:30~18:00 《南京路》 赵大勇 (导演见面讨论会)
19:00~22:00 《三里洞》 林鑫
13:00~15:00 Bingai by FENG Yan (Q&A with director)
15:30~18:00 Street Life by ZHAO Dayong (Q&A with director)
19:00~22:00 Sanlidong by LIN Xin
段落空间 (朝阳区安外北苑北湖渠酒厂艺术区C9001)
Venue: Segment Space
C9001,Jiuchang Art Complex, Beihuqu Road, Anwaibeiyuan Street, Chaoyang District
影片资料 Films Information:
优秀纪录奖Excellent Documentary Award (奖金2000元)
片名(Title): 秉爱
英文名(English Title):Bingai
片长(Running Time): 114 mins
年份(Year of Production):2007
导演(Director):冯艳Feng Yan
制片人(Producer): 冯艳 Feng Yan
摄影(Cinematography):冯艳 Feng Yan
剪辑(Editing):冯艳(Feng Yan) 马修•哈斯勒(Mathieu Haessler)
With the completion of the Three Gorges Dam, now under construction, 1.13 million people along the Yangtze River will have been dislocated. The majority of them are farmers. BINGAI features one woman farmer who refuses to move away from her village. The audience will follow her seven-year struggle with officials who pressure her to relocate, while a strong devotion to her land compels her to remain in the place she calls home.
导演简历Bio-filmography of Director
A native of Tianjin, Feng Yan studied Japanese at the Tianjin Foreign Language Institute befor relocating to Japan for 13 years in 1988. She has been shooting Super 8 and DV films since 1994, many of which focus on the Yangtze River. Her work include: The Woman Country Teacher (1994 , 30 min),I Want to Go to School (1995 , 30 min),Dreams of Changjiang (1997 , 90 min), The Long Way To Hometown ( 1997, 70min), The Spring of Xiao Xiao (1998 , 45 min),
Bingai(2007,114min),Women of Changjiang River(in post-production).
评委会奖 Jury Prize(奖金3000元)
片名(Title): 南京路
英文名(English Title):Street life
片长(Running Time): 98 mins
年份(Year of Production):2007.3.
导演(Director):赵大勇 Zhao Dayong
制片人(Producer): 赵大勇 Zhao Dayong
摄影(Cinematography):赵大勇 Zhao Dayong
录音(Sound):李青 Li Qing
剪辑(Editing):赵大勇 Zhao Dayong
公司(Production) 大道工作室
梗概 Synopsis
他们来自全国各地,没真实的姓名、没有真实的社会关系,他们用家乡的地名来称呼自己。他们以捡垃圾、偷东西、要饭、卖唱为生。这一群游走于社会边缘人群,他们聚集在南京路的各个巷口 。来来去去的生活里有人满怀希望的活着、有人快乐的活着、也有人最终不堪生存压力而疯掉。
They are from all over China, without true names or social relations. They call one another after the names of their hometowns. They make a living by collecting garbage, stealing, begging, and singing. Treading on the fringes of society , these people gather together in the alleys near Nanjing Road. In the hustle and bustle of life, some live hopefully and some happily – others can’t bear the burden and go mad.
导演简历Bio-filmography of director
1992 Graduated from Luxun Art Academy, Majored in Painting
1992-1995 Professional Artist in Beijing
1995-1999 Advertisement director in Guangzhou
1997 Established Guangzhou Dake Design Co.,Ltd
1997 Ran the contemporary art magazine, Culture And Morals
1999-2001 East Asia Art Visiting scholar at Harvard University
From 2002 Shooting two Yunnan documentaries: the Sound of A Dead City and In Shangrila
2004-2006 Individually produced documentary Living in the Nanking Road
独立精神奖Independent Spirit Award (奖金5000元)
英文名(English Title):SANLIDONG
片长(Running Time): 172min
年份(Year of Production):2006.12
制片人(Producer):林鑫 LINXIN
剪辑(Editing): 林鑫LINXIN
This is a documentary film made by a son of a miner, focusing on elder generation life.
In the year of 1955, more than 300 ardent youths from Shanghai City came to the Sanlidong Coal Mine aiming at realizing their hopes and dreams of contributing to the Construction of the Great Northwest. 50 years later, seldom of them are still alive. It is the miner’s fortune and life that exists all the while on that land full of deeply-buried black coal. This film mainly reflects local old miners’ life either alive or dead as well as that special time, with 15 film sections. It witnesses the diligence and dignity of the life by describing miners’ images.
15 miners are: Qi Guoqi (died), Gu Longxiang, Shen Longgen, Wang Zhengxiang, Yao Hongchang, Ge Dengfa, Zhang Baisheng, Lu Rongchu, Zhou Shougen, Luo Shijun, Ding Fuzhen, Tong Guang, Gao Zhangshun, Chen Yixiang, Zhu Yongsheng (died).
导演简历 Bio-filmography of director
Linxin, an artist and independent video producer, was born in Tongchuang city, Shaanxi Province in 1960, and his ancestral home is Taicang, Jiangsu Province. He has successfully held several Personal Painting Exhibition in the National Chinese Art Gallery, Beijing, Xi’an, etc. His published works are: 21st Century Excellent Artist Picture Album----Linxin and Oh, My Father, My Black Memory. During the period of 2003-2004, he directed the documentary film Chenlu. In 2005, he participated in the 48th International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2005, and Yunnan multi culture visual festival 2005. During the period of 2005-2006, he produced the documentary film named San Li Dong concerning on miners’ lives.
媒体支持:现象网 www.fanhall.com