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2007法国真实电影节 征集影片 月底结束

2006-12-07 11:41:09   来自: 老猪 (暫住中國)
  Cinéma du réel
  BPI Centre Georges Pompidou
  25, rue du Renard
  75197 Paris cedex 04
  Tél : 00 33 1 44 78 45 16

2006-12-07 19:41:22  老猪 (暫住中國)


2006-12-07 19:43:36  老猪 (暫住中國)

  1. The 29th Cinéma du Réel International Film Festival will take place in Paris, at the Centre Pompidou from March 9th to March 18th 2007. The festival promotes creative documentary cinema. It is organized by the Bibliothèque publique d’information, in collaboration with the Centre Pompidou, the National centre for scientific research (CNRS-Images), the Ethnographic film committee (CFE), with the support of French Ministry of Culture, Drac Ile-de-France, Centre national de la Cinématographie, Direction du Livre et de la Lecture, Mission à l’ethnologie, of French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of the Ile-de-France Region, of the City of Paris, of the Television Commission of Procirep, of Authors’ society Scam. The festival will screen the selected films in all the theaters involved by the event under the festival conditions.
  2. Films submitted can be short, medium or feature length documentaries, completed after January 1st 2006 or to be completed before December 31st 2006, and never submitted to any previous edition of the festival.
  3. The selection committee is looking for cinematographic qualities, artistic commitment and strong presence of the filmmaker’s point of view both in form and content.
  4. The selection committee will determine in which section the selected films will be presented. Its decisions are final.
  5. Are eligible to participate to the International competition films which have never been released or broadcasted in France and which have never yet participated to a French film festival or cultural event.
  6. Entry forms duly completed must arrive at the festival before November 30th. Viewing copies (DVD or VHS) with paper version of the entry form must arrive at the festival office before November 30th for films already completed and before December 31st for films still in post production.
  Shipping and insurance costs for viewing copies are entirely supported by the senders as well as related expenses (customs and other fees). The festival will send the viewing material back at its own expenses only upon formal request from the senders. Viewing material is usually kept by the festival for promotion, research and documentation purposes.
  7. Awards:
  Grand Prize with the support of Procirep 8000

2006-12-07 21:06:24  老猪 (暫住中國)

  法国真实电影节(Cinema Du Reel)是法国历史最悠久的专业纪录片电影节,也是国际纪录片界艺术品质最高的影展之一。影展于每年3月份在巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心举办。真实电影节在1979年由让-鲁什创办。


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