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2006-01-25 17:04:59   来自: 老猪 (暫住中國)
  article 1 : The Marseille International Documentary Film Festival is organised to promote documentary films by presenting them to broadcasters, the media and the public.
  article 2 : The directors of the films selected may be invited to the festival.
  article 3 : The films and programs submitted for the official selection must have been produced no earlier than January 1, 2005.
  article 4 : The person submitting the film must indicate whether it is a first film, a first film being a work produced in the context of audiovisual studies or the filmmaker's first publicly screened work.
  article 5 : Long and short documentaries may be submitted for selection.
  article 6 : All supports (film, video) may be submitted. Filmmakers may enter several works, though only one film per filmmaker can be selected for the official selection.
  article 7 : The person submitting a film guarantees the information given in the registration form.
  article 8 : Registration forms and video copies must be submitted before March 19, 2006.
  article 9 :The director and the entitled persons commit themselves not to withdraw films once the festival program is publicly announced.
  article 10 : All films submitted for selection must be in original version, with French or English subtitles.
  VHS cassettes or DVDs for selection must be sent at the sender's charge, along with any press clippings or advertising materials deemed necessary, as well as a still from the film. The sender must acquit any customs duties, or the festival may refuse reception. VHS tapes and DVDs for selection will be not returned to the sender.
  article 11 : Audiovisual works will be selected to participate in specific programs determined by the Board of Directors:
  - Official Selection (International Competition, International Selection not in competition, French Competition, First Films Competition)
  - Parallel Programs (retrospectives, homages, special favourites, round tables, cartes blanches, and all special screenings)
  article 12 : A selection committee composed of film professionals selects films for the International Competition, the First Films Competition, and the French Competition.
  article 13 : Films selected may compete for:
  The Grand Prix de la Comp閠ition Internationale
  The Grand Prix de la Comp閠ition Fran鏰ise
  The Prix Premiers
  The Prix Son
  Other prizes may be attributed upon decision of the festival Board of Directors in agreement with and upon suggestion of juries.
  article 14 : The directors, producers, and distributors of the winning films agree to mention the prize they are awarded in press documents and promotional materials as well as during any distribution of the winning film.
  article 15 : The three juries : international, national and sound, are appointed by the festival crew with consultation of the board of directors. They include well-known figures from the film and television industry and the artistic and cultural world, in France and abroad. Voting is done by secret ballot. Decisions are based on an absolute majority for the first two votes and a relative majority for the third. No one associated in any way with the production or promotion of any film in competition may be a member of the jury.
  article 16 : Copies of the films selected must be received by the festival office before June 11th 2006. If possible, they should be subtitled in French. Simultaneous translation into English will be arranged for films in the official selection. The script in the original language and the list of subtitles must be received at least one month before the festival (at the end of May).
  Four VHS copies or DVDs of the film will be entered in the festival video library.
  article 17 : For the projection of the films selected, producers must provide the following original formats : 16 mm optical sound (double-band if necessary), 35 mm optical sound, beta sp, DVD.
  If the original format is different from those listed above, the screening copy must be in one of these formats.
  article 18 : The cost of shipping copies and customs duties will be paid by the sender. The screening copy must be sent to the festival office: FID Marseille,14 all閑s L閛n Gambetta 13001 Marseille France.
  The festival will pay for the return of the copies selected.
  article 19 : Insurance for the projection copies will be covered by the festival, from their reception to return. If a copy is lost or damaged during this period, festival responsibility is limited to its value. Only copies in good projection condition will be accepted.
  article 20 : The members of the non-profit organisation which organizes the festival, will be authorized to view the films selected, on VHS or DVD copies, within the video library located in the FID office. The festival may digitize the film copy received to store it in its electronic database.
  article 21 : The FIDMarseille aims at promoting, supporting and accompanying films selected in official competitions as those in the parallel screens after the week of the festival, through programming in France and abroad. The FID reserves right to screen selected films without rental fee in special events during the year.
  article 22 : The president of the festival association is entitled to settle all cases not specified in these regulation.Entering films for the festival is free and conditional upon accepting festival regulations. Only the French version of the regulation will be considered as the authentic text.

2006-01-26 15:47:08  18film


2006-02-01 19:17:28  zqsfreedom



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