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CDFF2004:Kaiseki料理 Kaiseki Cuisine

2004-06-16 17:46:55   来自: yummyjenny (beijing)
  CDFF2004:Kaiseki料理 Kaiseki Cuisine
  2002 / 彩色 / 录像 / 16分钟 / 合作导演:Sakurai Atsushi
   这个与京都视觉艺术家Sakurai Atsushi合作的作品聚焦在“食物”上。Sakurai 执着地做了每天经过我们身体的大量食物佐料的调查,Kato来分析在便利店出售的贫富有别的午餐饭盒。
  导演Kato Itaru,1958年生于山形地区Tsuruoka,Tohoku艺术与设计大学任副教授。1977年进入Wako大学人文学科动画图形学院学习视觉艺术。电影和录像作品包括《Fade Out》,《Go-round》,《Zero-TV》和《Sparkling》 (在匈牙利Retina '91 获奖). 已经完成大量创造性的项目,包括独立的FM站和装置。
  Kaiseki Cuisine
  2002 / Color / Video / 16 min / Co-dir: Sakurai Atsushi
  This collaboration with Kyoto-based visual artist Sakurai Atsushi focuses on "food." Sakurai obsessively examines the vast quantity of food additives that pass through our bodies everyday, and Kato dissects the richness and poverty of the bento box lunches sold at convenience stores.
  Kato Itaru
  Born in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture in 1958. Associate professor at Tohoku University of Art & Design. In 1977, entered the Department of Humanities, Wako University and studied visual art at the Image Forum Institute of the Moving Image. Film and video productions include Fade Out, Go-round, Zero-TV, and Sparkling (prize winner at Retina '91 in Hungary). Has been involved with numerous creative projects, including independent FM stations and installations.


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