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CDFF2004:前卫仙术的超级纪录 Super Documentary Avant-Garde M

2004-06-16 17:46:19   来自: yummyjenny (beijing)
  CDFF2004:前卫仙术的超级纪录 Super Documentary Avant-Garde M
  2003 / 彩色 / 录像 / 33分钟
  导演 Kanai Katsu , 1936年生于神奈川的一个农民家庭。跟随大映东京摄影所的高桥通夫等工作后,成为自由电影导演,并于1968年成立Kanai制片机构。1969年导演处女作《无人列岛》,获尼翁国际电影节大奖。独立制作拍摄了《微笑银河路三部曲》,之后导演了多部电视纪录片和4部电影,包括《梦游》和《时如风逝》。
  Super Documentary Avant-Garde Magic
  2003 / Color / Video / 33 min
  Visual artist Kanai Katsu documents the everyday life of his alter ego, Kanai Katsumaru. Depressed by his loss of vitality, the elderly Katsumaru trains himself to conquer youth and performs various miracles using homemade "avant-garde magic." These miracles are not just sleight of hand, so be sure to watch closely.
  The director Kanai Katsu , born in Kanagawa Prefecture to a farming family in 1936. After working under Takahashi Michio and others at the Daiei Tokyo film studio, became a freelance film director and established Kanai Productions in 1968. In 1969 premiered his directorial debut, Deserted Island, which was awarded the grand prize at the Nyon International Film Festival. Independently produced and screened Smiling Milky Way Trilogy. Since then, has directed television documentary programs and made four films, including Dream Runs and Time Blows Like the Wind.


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