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CDFF2004: 团地酒 Danchizake

2004-06-16 17:45:08   来自: yummyjenny (beijing)
  CDFF2004: 团地酒 Danchizake
  2001 / 录象 / 49分钟
  1977年生于横滨。立正大学毕业之后(学心理学),在Image Forum研究所学电影创作。《团地酒》(Homemade Sake)是他的毕业作品。在2001年毕业作品展入选。他现在还在Image Forum研究所当专科的学生。
  导演和他父亲住在公共住宅区。导演的父亲,是画家,用塑料瓶酿酒。摄影机拍摄酿酒的每个单调的过程∶ 计量、洗米及煮米、加麦芽和酒糟后发酵。然后他采访他母亲。她已离开了家,一个人生活。她老实地告诉儿子她和她丈夫谈恋爱的过程以及家庭的经济情况。我们跟着沉默寡言的父亲在他房间一个人画画儿的影像,看见在这个被分裂的家庭中不可视的纽带。这是24岁大野的在Image Forum研究所的毕业作品。
  Danchizake (Homemade Sake) (No Subtitle?)
  2001 / Video / 49 min
  Ono Satoshi
  Born in Yokohama in 1977. After graduating from Rissho University, where he studied psychology, studied filmmaking at the Image Forum Institute of the Moving Image. Danchizake (Homemade Sake) is his graduation piece, and received an award at the screening of the 2001 graduation works. Currently still a student in the Higher Study Course at Image Forum.
  Subdued portrait of a fragmented family by a young first-time filmmaker.
  The director lives with his father in a public housing complex. The director’s father, a painter, brews sake in plastic bottles. The camera follows each step in the monotonous process, from measuring, washing and cooking the rice, to adding malt and sake lees before leaving the mixture to ferment. The director then interviews his mother, who has left the family to live by herself. She speaks candidly about her romance with her husband and also the family finances. We see the invisible ties within this fragmented family, interspliced with glimpses of a taciturn father who paints alone in his room. This is 24-year-old Ono’s graduation piece for the Image Forum Institute of the Moving Image.


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