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CDFF2004:那现在,到哪儿,去? Now, Where, To?

2004-06-16 17:44:27   来自: yummyjenny (beijing)
  CDFF2004:那现在,到哪儿,去? Now, Where, To?
  2001 / 录像 / 43分钟
  1972年生于香川。1995年关西大学毕业。2001年夏天搬到冲绳。作品包括∶ 《-nik》,《The Bridge》。
  Now, Where, To? (With English Subtitle)
  2001 / Video / 43 min
  Shirakawa Toshihiro
  Born 1972 in Kagawa. Graduated from Kansai University in 1995. Moved to Okinawa in summer 2001. Filmography includes: -nik, The Bridge.
  A personal memorandum about time and space, with stirring images of ruins and aging.
  The father is a welder, a factory worker. The mother is a home keeper, warm but ailing. A sketch of their everyday life at home in their factory’s housing complex. Images of ruins and deserted company apartments reveal Japan’s shift from heavy to light industry. Straight-backed portraits of father and mother. Against blue skies in an open window, the filmmaker and his girlfriend are young and vibrantly alive


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