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CDFF2004:《罗杰和我》Goger and Me

2004-06-16 17:39:41   来自: yummyjenny (beijing)
  CDFF2004:《罗杰和我》Goger and Me
  导演介绍:迈克·摩尔(Michael Moore),又译迈克尔·穆尔。美国著名激进作家,制片人和选举人,同时也一直是美国颇具争议的电影人,以政治观点偏激,反抗主流,犀利幽默和特立独行而闻名。一个偶然的机会迈克尔·穆尔接触了纪录片这种艺术形式,他立刻意识到如果用了纪录片的形式来反映自己一直关心的政治问题将更加有震撼力。随后他开始四处举债拍摄自己创作的纪录片。
  2002年,国际纪录片协会进行了史上最佳纪录片的评选,已经参加2003年奥斯卡最佳纪录片评选的《科伦拜恩的保龄》(Bowling for Columbine)被评为历史上最伟大的纪录片,影片全景式地展现了美国人的“枪文化”,探讨了在这个国度暴力泛滥的根源,它能够占据首位恐怕和其应景性不无关系。《罗杰和我》(Roger & Me)位居第三。
  影片介绍:ROGER & ME,关注的是导演本家所在城市FLINT市,工人群体在遭受通用汽车公司停厂裁员后的疾苦生景,这种朴实的记录带来的社会反响远远超越了对彼时与摩尔仅有萍水一面的GM总裁Roger Smith敲山震虎之效,揭开了以一己之能抗击big corporation的时代帷幕,一个电影的字头就此诞生。
  TITLE: Roger&Me
  LENGTH: 120Min
  DIRECTOR: Michael Moore
  DIRECTOR: Michael Moore Famous for his provocative populist documentaries that are unapologetic attacks on callous business corporations, opportunistic right wing politicians and other social wrongs. Usually wears a baseball cap and glasses.Elected to Davison board of education at age 18.Was arrested during filming of the video "Sleep Now In The Fire" by Rage Against The Machine, protesting Wall Street and the investment of American money overseas (ie hostile and Communist countries). The filming also shut down the New York Stock Exchange early that day when band members tried to enter the floor univited.Admitted on the Fox News Channel show Hannity and Colmes that he lives in a $1.9 million dollar home in New York City.
  Announced on March 13, 2002 his book Stupid White Men...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation, is now #1 on the New York Times non-fiction list.Briefly served as both editor and columnist for Mother Jones magazine.Elected to Davison board of education at age 18, this is described and elaborated upon in chapter 5 "Idiot Nation" in his book "Stupid White Men."His movie, "Fahrenheit 9/11", was shown at the Cannes Film festival, making it the most sought-after movie there.
  FILM: The film Roger&Me revolves around the closing of General Motors factories in Flint, Michigan. The closings causes families to lose their homes, their jobs, and most of all their well-being. Michael Moore is determined to get General Motors Chairman Roger Smith to come down to Flint and see the devastation his company has caused. Of course, just trying to MEET the man throws all sorts of obstacles in Moore's way... and it's all caught on film! All of this equals an entertaining documentary that is unpredictable and untamed.


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