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CDFF2004:《北方的纳努克》Nanook of The Nor

2004-06-16 17:37:44   来自: yummyjenny (beijing)
  CDFF2004:《北方的纳努克》Nanook of The Nor
  时长: 79Min
  导演:罗伯特 弗拉哈迪
  导演介绍:罗伯特·弗拉哈迪,1884年2月16日,出生于美国密歇根铁山脚下。这个原籍爱尔兰的电影巨人在摄制影片以前,曾经亲自在加拿大北部从事狩猎、探险和地质勘探的工作。终其一生他都在用浪漫主义的视角和探险家的品性开掘着纪录片艺术。1922年,他的代表作《北方的纳努克》完成并公映,法国的评论家将其与古希腊戏剧相提并论。弗拉哈迪由此被尊称为真正的“纪录电影之父”。 主要作品:《北方纳努克》、《亚兰岛人》、《路易斯安娜州的故事》。
  TITLE:Nanook of The North 
  Director: Robert Flaherty
  DIRECTOR: Robert Flaherty Robert Flaherty is often proclaimed one of the founding fathers of documentary film. Flaherty indirectly became part of the mythology of the burgeoning world-wide documentary movement of the 1930s when John Grierson was said to have originated the usage of the term 'documentary' in relation to film when he wrote, "of course, Moana [1926] being a visual account of events in the daily life of a Polynesian youth and his family, has documentary value.”
  In recent times Flaherty's oeuvre has been unfairly caught up in the ongoing debates about the ethnographic worth of his early pre-modern films Nanook of the North (1921), Moana: A Romance of the Golden Age (1926) and Man of Aran (1934).
  FILM: NANOOK OF THE NORTH was an original selection to the Library of Congress National Film Registry in 1989. A silent film. This classic film by Robert Flaherty, shot in 1922, documents one year in the life of Nanook, an Inuit hunter and his family as they struggle to survive in the harsh conditions of Canada's Hudson Bay region. Without the use of dialogue, this piece describes the trading, hunting, fishing and migrations of a group barely touched by industrial technology. NANOOK OF THE NORTH was widely shown and praised as the first full-length, anthropological documentary in cinematographic history.


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