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七五四电影小组 收藏

Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski/我的魔鬼 / Werner Herzog   [纳纱 添加]

In the 1950s, when Werner Herzog was 13, he was sharing an apartment with Klaus Kinski, an ego-maniacal live-wire. In an unabated, 48 hour fit of rage, Kinski destroyed every piece of furniture in sight. From this chaos, a beautiful albeit volatile partnership was born. In 1972, Herzog cast Kinski in Aguirre, The Wrath of God. Four more films would follow. In this personal documentary, Herzog traces the often violent up and downs of their relationship, revisiting Munich apartment where they firs...

The Island on Bird Street/伯德街小岛 / Søren Kragh-Jacobsen   [纳纱 添加]

Alex is an 11-year old boy who, during WWII, hides in the Jewish ghetto from Nazis after all the relatives have been sent to the concentration camp. The movie portrays the ghetto through his eyes. 2e Written by Anonymous 二战中王,陈在一个篇用割高显墙旭围起来的犹眯太区重的废弃午大工厂里淫,里面的犹太蔫人慧诚惶关诚恐的芋生澳活和塑工拦作绕着严,而且虱人姆数越斩来越攻少,冲因粉为阴纳战粹时不脑时朵的际就妓会进吨来采把肘一纤些人带逊走咙,盗先是妇女入儿童,再涪是老人偏,恢后来就要全部羽带铲走了供,他...

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