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CNEX是一个以视觉影像为核心媒介的平台。CNEX,See NEXt;但,要看什么?怎么看?







About the Annual Theme

CNEX is a visual platform. CNEX, see NEXt. So, what will we see, and how do we see it?

CNEX aims to systematically record and preserve the evolution of contemporary Chinese society. We select a major theme each year to serve as a bearing for the historical development of that year. As the ancient Chinese say, follow the pointing direction of the finger and you will see the moon. The annual theme is like the finger that points the viewer to the moon in the sky. Under the chosen theme, we collect, support and create nonfiction visual and audio documents as well as artworks of other forms. The creators may give their own representations of the changes happening in the year under the general theme and create influential artworks and events for the year.

The annual theme is selected such that it is at the center of the life of contemporary Chinese, and reflects the major social developments. Through the representation of the events and undercurrents related to the theme, artists may accurately, timely, and powerfully grasp the energy and evolution of the Chinese society to produce a memoir of the times.

CNEX organizes workshop on the theme of the year. Young Chinese directors submit relevant film proposals, which are to be screened and selected by senior directors and experts. The chosen proposals will be produced in association with CNEX. At the same time, CNEX organizes an online film submission, providing more opportunities for the young netizens to participate and express themselves. To broaden the scope, CNEX also invites writers, photographers, and artists to create works about the annual theme.

Besides observing and recording by Chinese, CNEX also welcomes friends from all over the world to share their thoughts about Chinese on the annual themes. On the other hand, CNEX will invite and exhibit the nonfiction visual works from other countries and regions that are undergoing similar social changes so as to broaden our horizon.

With a relevant annual theme in place every year to inspiring artistic creation and collecting documentaries over the next ten years, CNEX expect to draw a map of social changes of Chinese societies at the beginning of the 21st century. Such a map will surely provide valuable insights for not just us now, but also for the generations to come in the future.

帖子列表 . . . . . . (更多讨论)

寻求纪录片合作 忘记密码 261 1 2009-04-26 18:44:16
CNEX 2010 年度主题 - 【危机与转机】 参加说明 CNEX 344 0 2009-03-27 11:01:19
[活动]CNEX2010年度主题提案【危机与转机】开始接收 CNEX 316 0 2009-03-27 10:58:41

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时间:2009-3-20 0:00 到 2009-6-15 23:55
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